Fate 缘 Chapter 7

“Hello! Is Ash in?”

“Pat, is that you? I thought you never want to talk to me again.” Ash was excited when she heard Pat’s voice over the phone.

They arranged to meet at a park near their block.

“Ash, I’ve thought it over. Having being friends for so long, we shouldn’t let Leo messed up our friendship. Though I admit I’ve not gotten over him and probably never would, I know I do not have the right to stop you from seeing him either. As for those words I’ve said, I’m sorry if I’ve hurt you. Dan said you are someone who know your limits and has a high moral. He told me to believe that you would not go around seeking rich guys to take advantage of. We are still friends, right?”

“Of course we are!” Ash hugged Pat tightly.

Continuing, Ash said, “You mentioned Dan. Have you talked to him lately?”

“Yes, we bumped into each other this afternoon. I wanted to find a quiet place where I can let the sea breeze blow away my sadness. So I went to World Trade Centre after school. We talked a lot and I am sure he still loves you. I’m not saying this because I want you to give up on Leo.”

“No worries, I know.” Ash said as she looked down at her feet.

“Don’t you still love him?”

“Me? Would you believe if I say I don’t?”

“I guess not. You two were really made for each other, Ash. When do you intend to end this adventure and get back with him?”

“Pat, I really don’t know. I know it’s unfair for me to make him wait. But trust me; I know what I am doing. However, for now, I just hope I can bring his hurt to the minimum.” Ash sighed.

07 August 1999, Saturday

Leo was holding his 18th birthday at Zouk. His dad has booked the whole place for his celebration. Leo was the only son and his dad, Zen Li owned a property company in Singapore. Since young, Leo never had to worry about a single thing, his dad always have it planned for him.

He truly understands that as long as he obeyed his dad’s orders, he would get whatever he asked for. Leo studied hard and has been the top student of his class and level ever since he entered P1.

Zen taught Leo to fight for what he wants through rewarding him for good results. Zen never failed to remind Leo not to be contented with second best when you can be the best. Zen was a strict father and Leo knows better than to let him down.

“Why aren’t you folks on the dance floor?” Leo went to the table where Ash, Pat, Ken and Dan were sitting at.

“Maybe later.” Ken replied.

“Ok, I don’t pay to let you warm the couch. Have fun and don’t waste the free flow drinks!”

“Fish it, I knew this guy is rich but never knew he was fishing rich!” Ken said after Leo hopped over to another table to entertain his other friends.

“Do you have to use the F word in every sentence you speak?” Ash spoke in her usual not to be messed with tone.

“Opps, sorry!” apologized Ken.

“Pat, let’s get to the dance floor.” Ash stood up and led Pat to the dance floor.

Sitting closer to Dan, Ken speaks slightly louder than a whisper, “Dan, I have something to tell you.”

“Hey pal, sitting so near, don’t tell me you are a gay.” Dan joked.

“Please, be serious. I think you should know this.”

“Oh, okay. Go ahead then.”

“By now, you should know that Leo going is after Ash, right?”

“Well, I guess even the blind can see.”

“You and I know what kind of guy Leo is. He walks around thinking with his you-know-what. I can see that you still love Ash. In fact, very much I would say. Ash is a nice girl and I’m dead certain she still feels for you. Perhaps if you start chasing after her all over again, she might just get back with you?”

“Ken, I was with her for four years. Overnight, she decided to break up with me and we have to be friends. I tried calling her but she refused to take my calls. I guessed she has made it very clear. Yes, I admit I still love her. To me, love works two ways. Nothing is going to work out if only I have feelings. Furthermore, love is no possession. If she is happy together with Leo, I would give them my blessings. Leo has also said that he’s serious about Ash, maybe we should believe him this once?”

“Dan, don’t be naïve. A leopard never changes its spots! Leo’s a playboy and facts don’t just change overnight. Just like Ash’s feelings for you. Like what you have said, you were together for four years. Do you think it is that easy to give up on true love and forget someone you have loved so much?”

“Ken, can we don’t talk about this? Ash doesn’t like to be pushed into doing things. If we are meant to be together again, fate would do just that for us. For now, I am contented that she is no longer avoiding me. All I want is to stay by her side and be there for her when she needs someone, even if it’s just as a friend.” Dan gulped down his drink after saying that.

“Dan, if Ash don’t love you, she would not still be using the key chain you bought for her. If she does not love you, she would not hug the tattered and mended numerous times plush toy which you bought for her to sleep each night. If she does not love you, she would not keep the photo of you both in her wallet.”

“How did you know all that?”

“I bought a key chain for her when we were together. It was the magnetic kind with a boy and girl kissing each other. I told her to give me her old one so I could change it for her. She took it out to show me but she said she will hang the key chain I bought for her on her bag instead as she likes her current one. I went to her house once and saw the Winnie the Pooh soft toy on her bed. Her mum told me it was from you and she hugs it to sleep each night. Her mum has told her to dump it the first time Ash brought it to her mum to mend a tear. But as time goes by, her mum finally decided to stop asking her to do so and just mend it for her each time it got torn. As for the photo, she never knew I saw it. There was once at Starbucks, she went to the ladies and left her wallet on the table. I could not control my curiosity and jealousy. At first, I only saw her family photo. I do not know why I did that, but my gut feeling told me to take out the family photo and behind it was the photo of you and her.”

“Ken, Ash likes simple stuff. The key chain I bought for her was a flat one compared to the bulky one you got for her. Maybe that’s why she prefers to use the old one. Winnie the Pooh has always been her favorite character and that could explain why she never dumps the soft toy. The photo was already kept behind her family photo means she is trying to get me out of the picture.” Dan’s emotions were being stirred by what Ken just told him.

“Dan, stop trying to convince me or cheat yourself anymore. If she does not love you, for the three months we were together, we would not need to hide from you when she sees you on the streets each time!” blurted Ken.

Before Dan could try to think of anymore reasons, Ken continued, “Do not explain. I’ve asked her on this. From the horse’s mouth, she told me that you are her ex boyfriend and hurting you was the last thing she wants to do. Dan, you can try to find a thousand and one reasons to lie to the whole world but you cannot deceive yourself. Go get her back before it is too late.”

The music came to a stop and through the speakers, a voice announced, “Everyone please gathered around the stage for the cake cutting session.”

The usual photos taking went on with professional photographers at work hired by Zen. Then the lights went off and spotlight shone on a covered object in the middle of the dance floor.

“Leo, go ahead and lift the cover.” Zen instructed.

Unveiled, there was a small classy black box on an exhibition stand. Leo opened the box and in it was a key, a car key to be specified.

“Now, if you would all follow me to the car park.” Zen walked down the stage and everyone followed him out of the main door.

The present was covered up but from the shape, it was not difficult to guess that a sport car was beneath the sliver cover. Leo could not suppress his excitement. He ran to the front of the car and pulled down the cover. The wow from the guests filled the silent car park. It was a 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GT.

“This is so cool, Dad!” Leo exclaimed.

Zen walked hand in hand with his beloved wife towards Leo and hugged him. Everyone applause and made cat calls at the heart warming scene.

“Everything fell neatly into place.” Zen smiled as he took a look at his watch before continuing, “Now, everyone gets ready for the countdown!”
“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy Birthday, Leo!” the crowd cheered as the clock struck twelve.


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