Fate 缘 Chapter 2

06 July 1998, Monday
It was the first day of a new semester in Coral Polytechnic. Freshmen were pouring in with mixed feelings of excitement, nervousness and enthusiasm.

Ever since the breakup, Dan had not been able to contact Ash. He called her house a couple of time and it was Ash’s mum who picked up the phone. No matter what time he called, he was told that Ash was not at home. Dan knew Ash was trying to avoid him and seemed like she wanted to have a clean break. As Ash was the last person on earth whom Dan wants to upset; he gave up calling after a while.

Through Pat, his basketball team mate and Ash’s best friend, Dan got to know that Ash has met a new guy shortly after their break up. Pat described Ash’s new love as a tall, suave and tanned guy with six packs. Beside Ash; Pat was the only person who knows the real reason for the breakup between Ash and Dan. The girls were the best of friends and have been neighbors since their toddlers’ days.

On the night Ash broke off with Dan, she spent the night crying her heart out in Pat’s room. Pat never understands why Ash would want to exchange true love and tons of tears for an uncertain adventure. However, as a friend, she was willing to stand by Ash no matter what decision she makes. Many a times, during their regular basketball games, Pat had the urge to let Dan knows that Ash actually do still love him. She held back considering that letting Dan knows the fact would do no good to him or Ash. What you don’t know would not hurt you was what Pat believed.

“Hi Dan!” Pat greeted as they met at the school gate.

“Hi Pat. Hi Ash.” Dan returned the greetings with an instant glow on his weary face.

“You looked tired, are you alright?” Ash tried not to sound overly worried though she felt a tinge of sadness when she saw Dan walking restlessly towards the school gate earlier on.

Dan used to have a cheerful face wherever he goes. He was the sunshine of everyone around him. Nothing seemed to beat him down. The positive energy in him was one main attraction Ash has towards him.

“Thanks, I’m fine. Perhaps it’s just lacking of sleep. Granny was not feeling well for the past week. So I have been taking care of her right after work till the wee hours and waking up early for work the next morning. Yesterday was my last work day anyway and Granny’s recovering pretty well. I guess I can have a good night sleep tonight.”

“It surely is hard on you, Dan.” Pat said with empathy.

“I am still young, I can take it. Granny has worked hard to raise me ever since Daddy and Mummy passed away in the accident when I was young. It’s only right for me to take care of her now.”


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