Year of the Rat!
It's CNY Eve, everyone!
I'm very tired after 2 long hrs of cages changing..
BUT, I can't wait 2 let u folks see my new bedsheet!!

Chip & Dale - My fave!

Look how happy Chip & Baby Chip are on the new bedsheet!

My Hammies' Kingdom or Farm as some of my friends put it.

Tonight, 小雪 is the representative of them all to wish every readers of mine a Happy Hammie Year ahead!
In approximately 13-14 hrs more, I'll be leaving for Gpa's hse!
Yes, coz Baby Vios has come home! Wohoo!! v(^_^)o
We'll be celebrating CNY in our hometown, Batu Pahat just like every other year!
Watch this space for the photos!!
As the clock stuck 12 tml, it would be the Year of the Rat.
Rodents like mice & hamsters are popular pets.
Sales were reported to have increase this year.
People, DO NOT buy a pet on impulse or just because it's cute!
To others, they are just pets/hamsters or mb even their children toys.
That's totally wrong! You can't shelve them or cast them aside whenever u get sick of their cuteness or the interest drained off.
Be prepared to love them, care for them & give them a home for life!
If not, just continue visiting my blog for photos of my cutest hamsters!
FYI, all 19 hamsters of mine were abandoned by their owners.
Some were found @ void deck & some were facing the risk 2b thrown away by their previous owners.
I really hate to see more of these incidents happening.
Pls be responsible & think carefully before u decide to lay ur hands on the cute hamster u see in the display cage!
And parents, don't give in to your kids and buy them pets just b'coz they whine & throw tantrum at the pet shops.!
(I've seen alot of these cases when I visit the pet shops.)
You're just going to bring up irreponsible children & sending them the wrong messages.
Since they can get a pet & throw them aside now, they can also have unwanted pregancies & get rid of them in the future.
IF u really would like to rear hamsters, DO NOT get a pair especially of different genders.
Newbies would not be able to handle the rate which hamsters give birth.
1 is more than enough for you to care & also to drain off the interest for some people.
It's CNY Eve, everyone!
I'm very tired after 2 long hrs of cages changing..
BUT, I can't wait 2 let u folks see my new bedsheet!!

Chip & Dale - My fave!

Look how happy Chip & Baby Chip are on the new bedsheet!

My Hammies' Kingdom or Farm as some of my friends put it.

Tonight, 小雪 is the representative of them all to wish every readers of mine a Happy Hammie Year ahead!
In approximately 13-14 hrs more, I'll be leaving for Gpa's hse!
Yes, coz Baby Vios has come home! Wohoo!! v(^_^)o
We'll be celebrating CNY in our hometown, Batu Pahat just like every other year!
Watch this space for the photos!!
As the clock stuck 12 tml, it would be the Year of the Rat.
Rodents like mice & hamsters are popular pets.
Sales were reported to have increase this year.
People, DO NOT buy a pet on impulse or just because it's cute!
To others, they are just pets/hamsters or mb even their children toys.
That's totally wrong! You can't shelve them or cast them aside whenever u get sick of their cuteness or the interest drained off.
Be prepared to love them, care for them & give them a home for life!
If not, just continue visiting my blog for photos of my cutest hamsters!
FYI, all 19 hamsters of mine were abandoned by their owners.
Some were found @ void deck & some were facing the risk 2b thrown away by their previous owners.
I really hate to see more of these incidents happening.
Pls be responsible & think carefully before u decide to lay ur hands on the cute hamster u see in the display cage!
And parents, don't give in to your kids and buy them pets just b'coz they whine & throw tantrum at the pet shops.!
(I've seen alot of these cases when I visit the pet shops.)
You're just going to bring up irreponsible children & sending them the wrong messages.
Since they can get a pet & throw them aside now, they can also have unwanted pregancies & get rid of them in the future.
IF u really would like to rear hamsters, DO NOT get a pair especially of different genders.
Newbies would not be able to handle the rate which hamsters give birth.
1 is more than enough for you to care & also to drain off the interest for some people.