Spring Cleaning 08!

The Spring Cleaning season is here...
So as I watched other doing it, the feel of doing it myself came...

Take a look at these photos of my treasure!

Before I start...

This is my monkey collection!
Simply love them to bits! (^^.)

Origami - sth I nv failed to touch most gers' hearts with..
haha =P

Serene gave me these for good luck! (".)

Junk collectors like Qiqi & me know the right way to keep these boxes!
We just have the garang guni's genes in us lah..
To others, these are pretty useless...
However, to us, they're more than just empty boxes... =)
Nv underestimate the power of a box of Pocky when u're super down on ur spirits!

Still remember the recycle bags' craze?

Well, I kept these to store things loh...
But seeing their empty state, u noe they aren't being used yet...
I kept thinking, "1 day, I wld come to need them de..."
haha =) So the collection just get bigger w/o me using them...

Origami is my love!
(Other than just winning gers' hearts...)

The invaders of my b'day cakes!
Ended up being caught & imprisoned by me... =D

These cups (except Taz bottle) come with the popcorn combo sold at the cinemas...
Anyway, I threw all of them away!

In exchange for every packet of my blood...

My 1st tomy car from Qiqi!

My Ferraris!

Mini Tomy Cars!

Compare the difference...

Tomy Cars are my fave!
But I love any other model cars as well!

From my ex-colleagues @ Planco!

These cars filled up my childhood life...

My Tomy Cars Collections!
Qi said she would buy me a cabinet for my b'day this year to store them!
Can I have a customised one like in those toys stores? Heez v(^_^)o

The top 2 most surprised gifts I got from Serene! =)

Mother Tongue & any subjects to do with Maths were my fave since the day I started school...
So I kept all my 作文簿, even my chinese Projects!
Zhus, rem the Statistics book?
And Cath, ur essay was in 1 of the 作文 collections I have!

B'day presents from the Zhus Family!


Pens - another collection of mine! =)
I don't bear to use these pens, coz my pens always went missing...
I either drop them somewhere or ppl borrowed & nv ever return to me...
So, I only carry cheap pens with me now... =P
These are either too expensive or too precious to be lost!

Down memory lane...
The few photos that followed are some stuff from people who once had a place in my heart...

Someone, who wouldn't want 2b named always...

From some1 who once treated me as her etg...

When you see these, u prob noe who u are...

Serene, look!
These are all from you!
So, my Grade A friend, u don't need to get jealous over my other special friend(s) for nth le..
Coz the others only have 1 box each...

Part of the precious stuff from my family & KA gang...

Though I tidied my room from 2pm+ to 11pm+, I've yet to tidy my wardrobe!
OMG!!! Help! Hafta do it on anor day again... -_-"
Time flies... It's already 1.42am on 3rd Feb 08 now...
Monday would be here again...
BUT CNY would be here soon!
SMILEZ! (^^.)


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