
To my dear readers, sorry for the long overdue post...
I took 3hrs just to upload these few photos...
1st, blogger is having serious problems letting me upload more than 1 @ a time...
2nd, my dearest sis, Qi set to a high resolution & all the photos were SO BIG that I hafta resize 1 by 1...
So I reduced to 30% of the actual amount of photos I wana upload here..
Anyway, u can see more photos @ my friendster profile lah.. =)
Unless u're truly, madly & deeply in love with this blog owner, I doubt u wana see so many photos of him lah.. haha =)

House visiting @ small uncle's house!

And there were 3 laughing buddha there!

Next was 6th aunt's hse!

Meet the 3 ah-beng bros!
They're gona enlist this year & won't be going back to Gpa's hse for CNY next year.
How lonely Bro Bear is gona get... =(

No1 can resist the temptation of ICE-CREAM even when we're on a diet! =D

We barged into 5th aunt's room & took photos!
With the Teos kids, there's nothing call "NO"...
*lol* v(^_^)o

To the biggest house!
3rd uncle's place, he bought over the terrace house next door...
Tore down the wall & now, it's super duper big loh!
His wine bar is still renovating in progress...

After the house-visiting, the adults all went back to Gpa's hse...

Off we went to Kafe Silver Spoon for lunch!

The strong bear with his panda & penguin sisters!

Cousins who were @ Gpa's hse for the 1st night..

Our usual FunFair trip each year!

2nd day @ BP Mall's Old Town White Coffee Cafe!

Look at the tour group I brought! =P

The God-Siblings!
Though we seldom get to see each other, we love each other all the same!

Happy Family! v(^_^)o

You get to write your wishes on it & send it up to the sky!

The last 孔明灯 to be send up.
It's actually small uncle's family de...
(Coz generous 3rd uncle bought 1 for each family)
End up the whole extended family KPO-ly help send it up tgt.

After that, the kids have fun with their fire crackers!
Fire crackers that most kids in Sgp don't get to see are just part & parcel of our childhood!
I'm glad I'm born into this family...
Get to experience things many others don't! =)

Quote from Alderic, "Spending RM$25 on something every family members want is totally worth it!"
My cousin's friends bumped into him when we went separate ways to get our lunch...
They asked, "How come so many people wearing the same shirt as you around here?"
The reply, "They're my cousins."
I bet the friends must have got a shock.

Next stop - 情人桥...

I saw my friend there!
A baby monkey & it's kept as pet!
Hmm, quite cruel lah hor?
But I wouldn't mind one... Heez =P

Our surprise for Ah Wei (small chick)!
Compliments from Jie (mother hen)!

She got her 青梅竹马 to piggy back her.
She was touched to tears!

The girls were more organised!
They have 6 persons & they bought 2 pieces of each color...

Ours aren't that bad actually...
1 pink - Jun Jie
2 black - Xiong & Bro Bear
3 brown - Jie Fu, Alderic, Jun Fu
5 white - Benjamin, Weicong, Wei Jin(维晋), Jia Hao & Deron

Our own Teo kids' CNY tradition!
After opening our own red packets, we would give alittle each & present to our dearest gpa!
There bound 2b ppl "bidding" every year.
The highest bidder goes to Jia Hao this year!
Amount 2b kep confidential. =D

The next day, we were invited to a Malay neighbour's wedding!

The nasi briyani, I tell u - It's so god-damn-delicious!
I had 2 servings!
Could have taken more IF briyani was not fattening... =P

Look at the happy eaters, you would know!

Before we set off for Singapore... =(
I hate leaving BP for SGP...
Will time stand still when we're back home the next time? =P


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