My dear gal's birthday!

Rec'd complains frm a whole lot of ppl abt no new blog entry take my dear's b'day as a chance to blog.

On Sat, I made a tiramisu b'day cake for her. The appearance looks nice. But it was v.cheesy for her, so I ate most of it. At least it was so much edible than my 1st try @ hm. haha (".)

And for our 1st program of the day, I brought her to "The Magical World of Disney on Ice". It'd been her wish to go dere all along & I'm glad tt I finally make it come true for her. It's quite an eye-opener for me too. The skaters were great! Image wearing a few kgs of outfit & skating on ice wif high speed. Yet, they perform stunts! Everything was wonderful! So perfect!

Next we catched 'Date Movie'. Well, it really belongs to the type of movies whr u go in laugh alot till ur tummy aches & that's it. Juz a normal comedy show I wld say.

We had dinner @ Pastamania. Dear, I'm really so sorry that I ordered the wrong stuff for u. I really did noe wat u like to eat. Bt I aso duno wat happened when I got to the counter. So sorry!

At night, we went Music Dreamer cafe. Simply love the ambience there! And they sang 3 of our dedicated songs on that night! haha (^^.) Probably because we send in alot of entries on that night. kiasu ppl..keke >.<

Sunday, 12/03/2006 - We went KLunch and I tink tis is the 1st time dear enjoyed herself so much @ KTV. I'm glad tt wif me, she has the courage to do alot of things she wldn't haf do it wif other frenz.

We took neoprints for the 1st time. And I was telling dear, if she were to compare her past photos ever since we got to noe each other till nw, she had defintely changed alot. Her hairstyle & color changed, fashion sense took a change too, for appearance wise, she looks prettier & slimmer nw. Most impt of all, the smilez that she has on her face nw comes frm true happiness felt within her heart! She looked great in the neoprints we took!

So, I don't tink she has suffered ever since she's been wif me. I hope others can see that she's in good hands nw. As long as she's still wif me, I'll do my best to protect her & give her maximum happiness! May her smile nv leave her face! (,")(".)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR GAL! HAPPINESS shall stay with YOU always with my blessings! No matter what the future will holds, YOU always have me to count on when YOU fall, I'll be THERE to catch YOU! All I want is to see YOU smile with true HAPPINESS! May your wish come true! I LOVE YOU! *muacks* *muacks* *muacks*


MiZuKi said…
Thx. I really enjoyed myself very much whenever I am with you. You brings me the courage to do things that I will never do. I hope you enjoy being with me too.

We were having so much fun in singing and taking neo prints today. Ha..singing out loud without caring the tone and taking our own sweet time to decorate the neo print. I will remember this day.
X|oNg said…
guess wad? my hair stands le. omG. so mushy~.~ loL!!!!
Anonymous said…
*goosebumps poppin out*
i neva knew zhuvan can b soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rou ma!

eh...hw come u nv make tiramisu for us b4?? i like to eaT!!!
Eagle Ivan said…
It doesn't taste v.nice be glad u ppl dun get 2b my victim.. haha ^_^
X|oNg said…
tiramisu? ti lao ma mi su? (kick mother secretary) wad's tat? loL!!!

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