Enough is Enough!

I dun wana let others affect hw I'm gona feel anymore! I had enuf. No more hurt feelings, no more sheding of tears. I truly understand ur concerns for her. Coz u're her frenz, her best frenz! She noes u're worried abt her & defintely appreciate all that. So do I..Bt being in a r/s is sth purely b/w 2 persons & HAPPINESS is the only key. We juz hope for PEACE till the planned day when we shld end..We dun deny it's hard & hw much we hate to make tt cruel decision. Bt things we want to do & hafta do may nt alwiz be the same..Let's juz hope we can take a break from all the stress we're receiving frm a whole lot of ppl out dere recently..And if I dun pour out my feelings & speak my mind out 2nite, I'm gona brkdw soon! So here it goes..

In the begining, it was the no status thing tt u were arguing abt. Saying I have no rights 2 haf physical contact wif her when I'm nt her bf. And when we gave each other a status. Blame was given to us for treating tis r/s lightly. We never did and we dun haf a choice! We love each other, we want 2b 2gether and stay happy while creating wonderful memories for us to remember. Nt letting our r/s be seen in the light is nt wat we want. We wish we cld let every1 else noe we're 2gether. Coz I'm proud 2b her caring bf and have her as my wonderful gf. If I do have a choice, I wld propose to her & make her my wife when the time comes. Bt somehow, we don't have the right to choose..
And both of us know the consequences of being found out. Though we choose to put aside tt fact at least until 31st Dec 2006, we truly understand the seriousness of it. She's nt gona be alone even if the whole r/s gt exposed. Yes, she's gona be the only 1 to face her parents, she's the 1 who's more stressed in tis r/s. Bt I wld alwiz be here for her. She can't bring me hm & introduce me to her parents like I did. I can't join her family's events like she does. And her frenz are defintely nt supporting her like hw my frenz do.
I duno if it's really bcoz they're my frenz & all they wish for is that I can be happy. Coz as wat was being said, my frenz noe I can nv haf a happy ending wif any gers. All they want is 2c me be happy & hope I treasure my every moments wif her. Or mb they're really open to the kind of r/s I'm having wif her. Mb like wat was commented, my frenz dun really think of things & c frm her viewpts, or analyze matters in her situation. I duno.
Everything I had said & done were sincere frm my heart. I'd nv do or say anything for the sake of anor. Nt for show or to touch any1's heart. I treat every1 wif sincerity. And wat do I get in return? For being labelled as fake, scheming, some1 who wld hurt my dear physically & emotionally?
Every1 has a history. Gd or bad, we can't change it. Bt juz bcoz I haf a bad record, I can't be a gd guy nw? My feelings for my dear hafta be questioned? WHY?!
Some1 believed tt no guys can truly understand girls & noe exactly wat they really want. Whoever said tt was true? Wat kind of guidelines were followed to make that sentence? Your own family, spouse & frenz? All I can tell u is that u'd yet to meet a real SNAG.
I am not saying I am one. Bt it's in my family genes that the guys in my family treat their partners well. We treat our girls juz like the stars in the sky. They're so precious, which is y we treasure them and try our best to understand them, every single bit abt them.
Juz bcoz I am able to noe wat my dear wants & do all the swt things for her, I hafta be accused of making use of my born sexuality? Pls go to the outside world & see more things. Nt all guys dun understand girls & nt all guys only think of sex all the time! No matter hw few of these guys exist, there still are!
Loving some1 doesn't mean possession and if u love some1, let them go - if they come back, they were meant 2b urs. I used to believe in that too. Bt nt anymore. Haf u ever haf the feelings of sitting beside the 1 u noe u want to spend the rest of ur life wif bt bcoz of some reasons, u can't? And nw u met some1 else u tink u can spend the rest of ur life wif again, she loves u too, den for wat reasons I shldn't make her mine nw? Even if we wld nt last 4ever, at least once in her lifetime, I walked into her life & left footprints on her path. When u love some1, y let them go? U shld had treasure them even more.
The leaf's departure is nt bcoz of the wind's pursuit bt bcoz the tree nv ever asked it to stay..Coz the tree thought tt the leaf wld 1 day comes back if the leaf loves the tree..Bt does the tree ever noe hw much the leaf wanted the tree to persuade it to stay?

Heard a story on FM93.3 in Marie's program..It's v.meaningful, let me translate for my 'eat potato' frenz. haha (".)

Once, a gal was leaving the town she lived in to anor town & start a new life. 4 of her suitors came to the railway stn to send her off. They were all v.sad & dun bear to let her go. Bt none of them asked her to stay. Juz b4 the train left, the ger said, "If u can't bear 2c me go, y dun u ask me to stay?" None of the guys say anything.
But right b4 the train's door shut tight, 1 of the guys dashed into the train b4 any of the 3 guys cld react. He hugged the gal real tight in his arms & she teared.
Afew yrs ltr, the gal & the guy got married. The 3 other guys were invited.
They jokingly asked the bride, "When did u decide he is the 1 u wana marry?"
"The day when he dashed into the train w/o thinking of the consequences." was the bride's reply.
She continued, "Why didn't any1 of u do the same then?"
The 1st guy said, "I thought u were juz joking!"
"I didn't have enough time to consider!" came the 2nd guy's reply.
And the 3rd guy explained, "I was thinking we could still keep in touch and as time goes by, we can then slowly plan for the future."
These are the reasons y the 3 of them are nt the groom.
The train that took the gal & guy is a 青春列车.(Train of Youth) 青春列车 wld nt wait for jokers, stop the time for u or give u the chance to consider. Are u boarding or nt, u juz haf a flash of a lightning time to decide...


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