Cooking Day!

What a mouth-watering dinner!

Yes! 2day, dear & I were the chefs for the nite. We cooked dinner! And what did we cook? It's western set dinner! Let me upload the photos to show u! hehe (^^.)
I would say it's a success for our 1st attempt 2gether. Coz there were no burnt food or uncooked ones either. And it looks nice & tastes nice as well!

Let me illustrate for u wat we cooked. There are french fries, scramble eggs, both cream of chicken soup & mushroom soup, ham, hotdogs, baked beans, coleslaw and of coz the main dish - chicken chop! Yeah, and we have orange juice for drinks.

A simple dinner that brought warmth to the hearts! (,")(".)


Anonymous said…
u forgot to write about the pretty girl who had dinner with the both of u. =(

Eagle Ivan said…
Oh okay..There was tis pretty gal who had dinner wif us. She's princess Qi who is now known as Presidentress Qi! *claps* *claps* Wat an honour to haf dinner wif her! (^^.)
X|oNg said…
DuH! its so lame. its better if u write wifout her? lOL!~
Anonymous said…
xiong, dont be jealous! =p

-princess/presidentress qi

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