Wrong -> Right?

Tuesday, 01/11/2005 - "Sometimes, only the wrong can lead you to the right!"

Got my 语录灵感 frm a friend's profile. When u're at a cross junction, with only 2 paths to choose from, & you noe 1 of it is gona bring u to the destination u wana go. And you happened to choose the wrong one, wldn't it be obvious tt the other path is the correct one? So only when we dare to try, we wld discover wat's wrong to let us noe 100% FOR SURE wat's the correct way. But if we dun even dare to make the 1st step, we wld nv noe wat's defintely rite or wrong. We can merely juz keep thinking & making our own wild guesses. Am I not correct? haha =)


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