Show your appreciation!

Sunday, 27/11/2005 - Be appreciative!

When ppl do things for u, nv take it for granted. Show them thru ur words or actions that u appreciate wat they did. All humans are 4getful beings. U still need to keep reminding that u appreciate them & the little things they do for u. Like thx ur mum for every meals she cook for u. Try whipping up dinner for ur family juz for a week. And the condition is to have different dishes everyday plus the dishes must be healthy for the whole family. U wld noe hw hard it is. Planning a grp of friends' gathering is tough too. If u're nt the organizer & didn't contribute any ideas or efforts in the whole thing, dun complain if u tink the gathering wasn't successful. Be thankful tt at least the organizer tried his/her best! Nth in this world happens b'coz they ought to, some1 juz gota make them happens. And if that something was make happened by some1 especially for u, shldn't u show abit more appreciation?


Mrs.keir said…
ok la..dun like that entry to scold most next time u organise i diam diam mai complain loh..
swee boh?

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