Go beyond!
Thursday, 24/11/2005 - 舍己为人!
Most of us have a helpful nature. But to which extend are we willing to help others? Mb when some of us helps others, they would 1st consider the factors if the favor they're doing will means to sacrifice oneself. Be it time, $$, any kind of resources ba. Only by willing to help others w/o having to think much abt ownself's sacrifice, would we reach the highest level. Of coz we only do good favors, nt one tt is illegal or cause harm to any1.
Most of us have a helpful nature. But to which extend are we willing to help others? Mb when some of us helps others, they would 1st consider the factors if the favor they're doing will means to sacrifice oneself. Be it time, $$, any kind of resources ba. Only by willing to help others w/o having to think much abt ownself's sacrifice, would we reach the highest level. Of coz we only do good favors, nt one tt is illegal or cause harm to any1.