有捨才有得。Give before you take.

08/04/18 :-
Give before you take.


本身帶有點 “多管閒事” 的自己總是學不會對別人的求助說不。
續之前完成的#project1983eagleivan 之後,今年 2018 也給了自己一個新的挑戰就是要再次與83個人玩這副遊戲卡。

因為之前3個月忙著工作與其它瑣碎的事,進展的幅度不大,所以至今只玩了4 場。



你願意與我玩一場遊戲牌嗎? =)

This is such a simple statement yet so hard to achieve.
I had several encounters and also met some people recently which gave me this thought.
There are people where in certain occasions, making certain decisions or when dealing with certain people, the first thing which comes to mind is, "How is this going to benefit me?"
I believe, there's a reason why we say "Give and Take" instead of "Take and Give"; only by giving will you be able to receive and take something.

With a "busybody" character, I find it pretty difficult to say no to other people's request for help.
More than a year ago, after my first encounter with this set of cards from Taiwan, I started inviting friends to have a one-to-one exchange session with me.
Following the #project1983eagleivan, I have set a new challenge for myself in year 2018, that is to play this set of cards with 83 people.

As I was caught up with work and other miscellaneous stuff in the first 3 months, progress was pretty slow and I only managed to play with 4 people.
When I started to invite friends to play this card with me, a common question I was being asked, "Why do you want to play with me? What is your motive/reason?"

I believe that it's better to give than to receive, after my friend played with me for the first time, I felt that I benefited a lot from the game and is hoping to "pay it forward".
Different people benefited differently from this game, thus I am unable to specifically let you know or guarantee what can you bring back from this.

Having met with some persistent friends who insisted that I must be wanting to gain something from them, the only reason I can give you is that I hope to gain inspiration from your stories.
When I have the time to enroll in Teacher Xiao Han's professional lyrics writing course, I would then be able to retrieve from my memory jar and use your stories as inspiration, hoping to write some touching songs...

Are you willing to play a game of cards with me? =)


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