Life is unpredictable, treasure the moment! 生命無常,珍惜當下!

02/01/18 :-
Life is unpredictable, treasure the moment!

I have seen a similar photo being forwarded in social media sometime ago.
Since then, it has made me think a lot about life and I have wanted to blog about it.

However, time never seem enough for me to sit down and pen my thoughts down.
So much has happened within a short span of time to people around me, I think it is high time I sit down to blog my feelings and thoughts.
At the same time, hopefully it serves as a gentle reminder to the  readers of this blog.

I bet most of us have always hold this thought in our minds, "I still have tons of time left, I can do this later (tomorrow, next week, month, year, etc)."
It may be true today, tomorrow or next week.
But, how long more can this sentence of "I still have time" stay true?

Even if we say the average lifespan of a person is 75 years old.
What makes us think we really can do so?
Have we truly give a thought on this?

When our mobile phones go out of battery, we can always charge it.
Most of us never stop to think how much life battery do we have left.

Theoretically, children should outlive their parents.
We ought to know in reality, things might not go as smoothly.

Take some quiet moments on your own and think about this.
If I were to leave tomorrow,
- Is there any family member or friend I wished I have met up with?
- Is there anyone I wish I have expressed my feelings for?
- Do I have any apology I have yet to make or accept?
- Are there any dreams I have not fulfilled?

We may not leave this world today, tomorrow or next week, but someday, we will.
Do not leave this world with regrets.

I shall end with one of my fave songs of 2017 - 閻奕格 Janice Yan - 《閻羅王 Grim Reaper》



想必我們很多人都常常這麼想,“我的時間還很多,這件事可以遲一點 (明天,下個星期,月,年等等) 再做。”
但是一句,“我還有時間” 能夠說多久?




- 我是否有想見的家人或朋友卻遲遲沒有約出來?
- 是不是有還未表白的對象?
- 有沒有還沒說出或接受的道歉?
- 有甚麼夢想還來不及實現嗎?


讓我以我在2017年其中一首我很喜歡的歌當作結尾 - 閻奕格 Janice Yan - 《閻羅王 Grim Reaper》


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