
Showing posts from 2018

Cancer can be prevented. 癌症是可以避免的。

Do you know between 30-50% of all cancer cases are preventable? I'm not some cancer research specialist, but merely sharing what I've heard and learnt from others. Valuable knowledge needs to be shared to be useful. Check out WHO website on cancer prevention here ! Recently heard that a high cancer marker friend has started taking these 3 products and her cancer market dropped significantly when she went back for her doc review. Initially, she was supposed to go for womb removal surgery and now she can be spared of it. I got interested to know more about these 3 products because my dad passed away because of cancer and we all know cancer is one of the top killers in Singapore. I have a lot of dreams and many people to take care of and definitely is not willing to be hit by cancer, thus prevention is always better than cure. Ever since I've heard what my friend mentioned and through my own research on what individual product can do to help, I've been takin...

SSA Youth Summit 2018! SSA 青年峰會 2018!

Youth Summit as been over for a few days and I finally managed to settle down to blog about my feelings and thoughts. Over the past 3-4 months of training, I have learnt and definitely gained a lot. Through the discussion meetings, I have learnt more about this religion - Soka and it helps to build my faith in practicing, at the same time shares about this religion. With the absolute victory of this Youth Summit, there are a lot of people I have to thank. Firstly, it is my family who gave me both the emotional and physical support. They accommodated my training hours by planning meal times around them and also came down on 22nd Aug 18 for the full dress rehearsal. Half way through the show, it started raining heavily and they were drenched. However, instead of complaining, they told me our performance was great! Of course, not forgetting these friends who came to support me on 26th Aug 18. Ariel, Tricia, Jade, Xinhui, Jaylce, Cindy and Yvaine. Th...

Prayers for others! 為他人唱題!

25/08/18 :- When you pray for others, you find no excuse to skip! 當你為了他人 唱題 ,你沒有藉口不施行! Was having a dialogue with a young lady recently. In terms of age, she's 12 years my junior. However, when we talk about being a Soka member, she has definitely more than 12 years of Buddha's wisdom, courage and compassion as compared to me. We had an interesting dialogue. She mentioned that she was grateful that throughout her growing up years, other than having to chant for good results and passing all her exams  smoothly,  she has not encountered personal issues which required her to chant to resolve them. It is definitely a good thing. She shared that she believes you do not need to wait for things to happen before you start chanting, you can always accumulate blessings as you chant daily. These accumulated blessings may just help you in future when you needed them most. Throughout the years of chanting, she has also been chanting for her friends to come ...

Prove yourself, Strawberry Generation! 證明自己吧,草莓族!

28/06/18 :- Strawberry generation, have a strong mind and take positive actions! 草莓族,思維要強並採取正面行動! A little incident happened this afternoon and I cannot help wondering. Decided to blog a little thought so as to remind myself how to raise a strong kid in future. Entrepreneurship is never easy, everyone knows that. I respect all start-up business as well, which is why I will attend any business presentations people ask me to evaluate. "We do not know what we do not know." is something I strongly believe in. Not till you give somebody a chance to show you what you may not know or something you thought you know it all, do not assumed. There is always something to learn from people around us. Even if what they showed you is not something you are interested in, I believe you will have some takeaway from the whole event. Have an open mind and most importantly, play fair. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, it is not friendly to use your power or authorit...

有捨才有得。Give before you take.

08/04/18 :- 有捨才有得。 Give before you take. 這句話是如此的簡單但如此地難以做到。 最近在身邊發生了不少事情,也遇到了不少人,讓我有所感觸。 有一部分的人在某種場合,考量某個決定,對待某些人時,腦海第一件事就是問,“這對我有甚麼好處?” 為甚麼會是捨得而不是得捨就是因為在我們能夠割捨後才有可能得到。 本身帶有點 “多管閒事” 的自己總是學不會對別人的求助說不。 在一年多前接觸了這個從台灣來的遊戲卡後,開始找身邊的朋友來個一對一的交流。 續之前完成的 #project1983eagleivan 之後,今年 2018 也給了自己一個新的挑戰就是要再次與83個人玩這副遊戲卡。 因為之前3個月忙著工作與其它瑣碎的事,進展的幅度不大,所以至今只玩了4 場。 當我開始想要邀約朋友一起玩這遊戲卡時,遇到的問題就是,“你為甚麼要找我玩?有甚麼目的/理由?” 我相信施比受更有福,之前友人第一次跟我玩了之後,我獲益良多,所以想讓更多人從中受益。 每一個人從這遊戲得到的收穫都不一樣,我也沒有辦法很詳細地讓你知道又或者保證你一定會得到些什麼。 而遇到那些堅信我一定是想從他們身上獲益的朋友,我唯一的理由或許也只是希望從你們的故事裡取得靈感。 當我有時間能夠報名上小寒老師的專業歌詞班的課時,我能夠從回憶資料庫裡拿出你們的故事當作題材,希望寫出一些感人的歌。。。 你願意與我玩一場遊戲牌嗎? =) This is such a simple statement yet so hard to achieve. I had several encounters and also met some people recently which gave me this thought. There are people where in certain occasions, making certain decisions or when dealing with certain people, the first thing which comes to mind is, "How is this going to benefit me?" I believe, there's ...

Single ought to have a choice too. 單身也該有選擇。

14/02/18 :- Single ought to have a choice too.  單身也該有選擇。 It's the day of the year once more... Ivan's target of getting married has been shifted from 30 to 35. In a blink of an eye... I am turning 35 this year. Friends around me started asking and even "push" me to take whoever happens to come into my life. Same goes for other single friends of me receiving the same treatment from their friends as well. As much as we appreciate your sweet and kind thoughts, please note that we are happy you found the one and has someone to spend today with. HOWEVER, JUST BECAUSE WE ARE STILL SINGLE, IT DEFINITELY DOESN'T MEAN WE OUGHT TO SIMPLY TAKE WHOEVER COMES ALONG, WE OUGHT TO HAVE A CHOICE TO CHOOSE RIGHT? We would rather wait (in your eyes, wasting time) for the right one than having to mend our broken hearts over the wrong ones. So, while you are busy searching for ideas on the most romantic and worthwhile dinner dates, allow us to enjoy peaceful sin...

Life is unpredictable, treasure the moment! 生命無常,珍惜當下!

02/01/18 :- Life is unpredictable, treasure the moment! 生命無常,珍惜當下! I have seen a similar photo being forwarded in social media sometime ago. Since then, it has made me think a lot about life and I have wanted to blog about it. However, time never seem enough for me to sit down and pen my thoughts down. So much has happened within a short span of time to people around me, I think it is high time I sit down to blog my feelings and thoughts. At the same time, hopefully it serves as a gentle reminder to the  readers of this blog. I bet most of us have always hold this thought in our minds, "I still have tons of time left, I can do this later (tomorrow, next week, month, year, etc)." It may be true today, tomorrow or next week. But, how long more can this sentence of "I still have time" stay true? Even if we say the average lifespan of a person is 75 years old. What makes us think we really can do so? Have we truly give a thought on this? When our mo...