SSA Youth Summit 2018! SSA 青年峰會 2018!

Youth Summit as been over for a few days and I finally managed to settle down to blog about my feelings and thoughts.

Over the past 3-4 months of training, I have learnt and definitely gained a lot.

Through the discussion meetings, I have learnt more about this religion - Soka and it helps to build my faith in practicing, at the same time shares about this religion.

With the absolute victory of this Youth Summit, there are a lot of people I have to thank.

Firstly, it is my family who gave me both the emotional and physical support.
They accommodated my training hours by planning meal times around them and also came down on 22nd Aug 18 for the full dress rehearsal.
Half way through the show, it started raining heavily and they were drenched.
However, instead of complaining, they told me our performance was great!

Of course, not forgetting these friends who came to support me on 26th Aug 18.
Ariel, Tricia, Jade, Xinhui, Jaylce, Cindy and Yvaine.

There are friends who wished they could attend but had programs on, your sincere thoughts, I truly feel them all.

A big thank you to Joey who brought me into this religion, Jiayang and Shisong who took time off to have a dialogue with me.

All the trainers, especially Mac who encouraged me to practice the dance steps at home and Giorgios who offered extra training for those who have difficulties catching up.

Not forgetting Bernice, who saw the helpless me having difficulties turning my flag and demonstrated patiently while guiding me through the movements.

The coincidental discovery of my colleague, Xiaojing who happened to be a Soka member and the dialogue we had also helped to raise my faith in this religion.

Then there's Raymond who's there to provide words of encouragement at all training, the MD and WD who came down to provide us with refreshments, chanted and encouraged us for the Youth Summit.

Last but not least, all the back stage helpers, the youths who participated and the wonderful audience who make this Youth Summit an absolute success!!!






她們是 Ariel, Tricia, Jade, Xinhui, Jaylce, Cindy and Yvaine.


特別感謝 Joey 帶我入會,以及 Jiayang 與 Shisong 特地抽空與我進行對話。

當然還有勞苦功高的教練們,尤其是鼓勵我回家不斷練習舞步的 Mac 還有為那些跟不上的學員安排多餘訓練的 Giorgios.

也不忘當初看到無助的我在無奈地揮著旗子時,主動耐性地示範並帶著我揮動旗子的 Bernice.


還有就是每一次訓練都給予我們信心鼓勵的 Raymond 以及幫忙安排食物,為我們唱提與鼓勵我們的壯年與婦人部。



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