Protect your heart - Save your life!
Every day, 16 people die from cardiovascular disease (heart diseases and stroke) in Singapore.
Cardiovascular disease accounted for 29.5% in 2016.This means that nearly 1 out of 3 deaths in Singapore, is due to heart diseases or stroke.
Source : Ministry of Health
The bad news is that heart disease is a silent killer, and the good news is that it can be prevented by means of proper weight loss and strengthening the body, with the consumption of the appropriate nutritional supplements. Among these nutritional supplements, Omega-3 fatty acids are one of them.
Benefits of taking fish oil:
1) Maintain healthy arteries.
2) Lower cholesterol and triglycerides (remove blood lipids)
3) Improve type II diabetes, reduce insulin intolerance.
4) Anti-thrombosis, dilution of blood, reduce chances of stroke and myocardial infarction .
5) Prevent cancer
6) Maintain good vision and prevent loss of memory for the elderly.
7) Reduce immune system inflammation illness (such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic kidney disease, erythema lupus)
數字來源 : 衛生部
壞消息是心臟疾病是無聲殺手,而好消息是可藉著適當的減肥與鍛鍊身體,加上補充適當的營養品的相結合之下,幫助我們吸收日常所欠缺的養分,適時供應我們身體所需。在這些營養品 Omega-3 脂肪酸是其中之一。
1) 保持年輕活化有彈性的動脈。
2) 降低膽固醇與三酸甘油脂 (清除血脂)
3) 改善 type II 的糖尿病,減少胰島素的不耐受症。
4) 抗血栓,稀釋血液,減少中風與心肌梗塞機會。
5) 對抗癌症
6) 老年人減緩視力與腦力老化。
7) 自體免疫發炎症狀之減緩 (如氣喘、風濕性關節炎、風濕性腎臟病、紅斑性狼瘡)
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