The New Year - A good time to let go. 新的一年 - 是放手的好时机。

01/01/15 :- 
The New Year - A good time to let go.
新的一年 - 是放手的好时机。

我一直在《等一个人》, 用尽了我 《尚好的青春》,换来的仅是像《泡沫》般的梦境,一刹那就消失。虽然《我还是爱着你》, 但我知道《有一种勇气叫放弃》。如果 《我没资格》当你的 《天生一半》,至少让我留点尊严给自己,打从心底真心地《祝你幸福》。但愿如果有来世,就让我们《以后别做朋友》,给我一个机会与你《爱着爱着就永远》。。。

I was once waiting for someone, using the best times of my youth, in exchange for dreams that were like bubbles, disappearing in a moment. Even though I still love you, I know letting go is a form of courage. If I am not qualified to be your other half made in heaven, let me leave some dignity for myself, wishing you happiness from the bottom of my heart. If there should be an after life, may we never be friends anymore, give me a chance to be in love with you till forever...


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