MDA-WDA Grant scheme with FM Pop Music School

I have submitted 2 lyrics for FM Pop Music School Hits Lyrics Songwriting course application.

If I made it, I would be able to get grant from MDA-WDA for the course and finally get a chance to learn lyrics writing from my fave local lyrics writer, 小寒。

When I got to know of the submission, it was one week away from the deadline.
There were 6 songs for us to choose from, we need to rewrite lyrics for 2 of these songs :
1) 喬毓明《淚若雨下》
2) 吳莫愁、李代沫《取名回憶的時光》
3) 信 《恨愛不成鋼》
4) 李佳薇《分隔線》
5) 林倛玉、插班生《訣別書》
6) 劉晉旭《小子當家》

The 1st song I attempted was (1), I kept listening to the song for many days, over 100 times, in the office and at home.

But I can never complete the song by putting the lyrics into place.
This song is too powerful! Perhaps because this song is written by non other than 小寒 herself.

Then I told myself, since I need to write 2 songs, why don't I pick another song and produce one 1st?

Therefore, I proceed to choose (4) and finish it within 1/2 a day.
And that was 1.5days away from the submission.

I've wanted to go back to (1) and complete the song.
However, I couldn't take the risk.
I really want to get into this course, am I ready to keep insisting on a single song when my inspiration is not flowing?
Luckily, I managed to get past myself, I went on to attempt (6).
Cos out of the other 4 songs, that was the only song I've heard before.
The tempo was too fast for me.
Though I know my theme for the 2nd song is a motivational one, I can't seem to fit my lyrics in.
In the end, I used (3) and completed my 2nd song just 30mins before the final submission deadline.

Now, I can only keep my fingers crossed and keeps praying.
Results would be out by end Apr, I hope I can get in. =)
Wish me luck, folks!

Below are the 2 songs I wrote :

1) Rewrite from 李佳薇 - 《分隔線》

鹰艾文 - 《外婆》
独处的时候       寂寞变得特别难熬
没有你的日子  忘了幸福的甜
十二月的雨       放大对你的思念
独自站在窗前  望着滂沱大雨不停下整夜
像是噩梦            每夜缠绕到无法入眠
无法形容            像箭穿心的悲伤
搭上 曾与你牵手走过的道路                               寻找一丝的安慰
如今剩下我的影子        与那夜晚吹来的冷风
每个人心里最大的支柱              没有预兆地离开
脑海浮现            还来不及兑现的诺言
心碎的声音       敲响了对你的思念
如果我学会飞 是否就能够到达你的身边
眼眶湿了            再也      无力继续地伪装
失去了你            世界也没了色彩

如果      能让时光倒流回到过去              我会将你手握紧
看着你眼认真倾诉        你的存在是最大力量
寄地图给了天国的外婆              梦里是否能相见
心里的伤            究竟何时才能够痊愈

这么      多年经过你最爱的角落              有种你在的错觉
他们说你化作天使        藏在众多星星里守护
从此独自在沙滩看夕阳              等待星星挂满天

2) Rewrite from - 《恨爱不成钢》

鹰艾文 - 《非凡人》
多少对 多少错 数不清
是与非 黑与白 别人说

多少人有色眼光 暗藏无数危机
就算被世界拒绝 生命也要精彩
每天迈进一步 终点会到达
我不愿 一辈子 躲着光
每个人 都值得 被尊重


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