In The Dark 《怨鬼》

Well, I'm glad my winning streak is back and is definitely enjoying all my winnings. =)
Won a pair of tixs to a horror movie.
My mum & I love watching horror movies.

This is definitely not the scariest movie we have watched.
However, there are a few scenes that really scared us.
If I'm not wrong, this is a Malaysian production.
For horror movies, my favourite is still Thailand production.
I've got to say, this is really a good movie.

With hidden education meaning in the story plot and the twist, I give this movie a 9/10.
If you are a horror movie lover like I do, give this movie a chance.
Oh, I've got to mention this.
The 1 point which this movie falls short of being perfect was due to 1 particular movie goer who watched this show with us.
She was not wrong at all. In fact, she make our movie night an enjoyable one.

There was 2-3 times she got scared by the scene.
However, her loud "AAAHHHHH!" was always 1-2sec slower than the rest of us.
Which mean, we have already jumped in our seats when we all saw the scary scene.
Before our heartbeat could stablise, her screams came.
The screams scared us the 2nd time as it was loud & sharp.

But right after we were scared by her screams, the whole cinema broke into laughter.
The laughter continue for a long while after her 1st scream.
Mummy turned to me the 2nd time when we tried to control our laughter and said, "I think before we got scared by this movie, we would be scared to death by her screams." *lol*
Even when we were watching comedies, mum rarely laugh.
But this woman actually make my mum laugh so hard and for so long.
*SALUTES* Thanks for making this movie less scarier!
I almost forgot it was a horror movie and not a comedy.


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