The traditional way I love! =P

I'm the type of guy who would always wait till it hits 12am on 27th Aug every year to read the b'day msges that come in.
My sister says I'm very old school. =P

Yah, I'm one of the few dinosaurs left on Earth who insists on not letting my kids own ipads as their toys when I have my own kids in future.
I still believe action figurines, toy cars, barbie dolls, cooking utensil toys are some of the most awesome toys ever!

A lot of things I do & love are still in the good old traditional method.

So, when I told ppl around me that I'm trying ways to find out Sunshine girl's add in China as I wana send a b'day card to her.
The 1st qns most of them popped was, "A real card? Isn't emailing easier & faster? It's INSTANT!"

Yes, I know there are a lot of pros in sending an e-card compared to the physical card.
Even though my handwriting stops improving since Primary One, I love writing notes & cards to ppl I care about even till now.

Most importantly, the pro of sending a real card which strongly outweighs all the pros of sending an e-card is the human touch it possesses.

I still missed the times I write in to Y.E.S 93.3 FM & dedicate songs to my family & friends.
When Bukoh Mary was hosting 弦歌寄意, I wrote in 10 letters with the exact same content so that my letter will be read.
Yes, it was not photocopied but hand copied.
Kids, please don't learn; as Mary has put it, it's full of sincerity but not at all environment friendly.
I'm lucky she didn't throw my letters away beause of that. Heez =P


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