Make yourself HAPPY - Mind Your Own Business!

I'm glad to have an off in lieu today.
With that, I can spend some time with myself & think of things I should and shouldn't be.

What have I been doing?
Well, nothing much exactly.
Basically nua-ing (lazing around) at home, enjoying the weekday off.

Ever since I took over the AP position at work, I don't really have much time to myself.
Even though I still switch on the radio & tuning into FM 93.3 at work, most of the contents didn't get into my mind as much as they used to.
My mind is too occupied with whatever I have to do & still "watch over" someone else's work; how to absorb what the DJs were sharing on air then?
Nah, today's blog entry is not about an irritating pest; just let my OIL continue in peace & happiness b4 I get back to work & be a part time pest buster!

Sitting at my home dining table & enjoying my tea at 3.50pm, I heard a meaningful story shared by 1 of my fave DJs, Siau Jiahui on FM 93.3.
She has shared the short story in Chinese (obvious lah, it's Y.E.S 93.3, not 98,7 duhz) but I'm translating the story in English for my readers.
90% of them understand English entry better than a Chinese one & the feedback I received from some was they skipped all my Chinese entries on my blog.

There are three kinds of business in the universe: ours, others and God’s
(Note: In this context, God means “reality”. Everything that is out of my control, your control, and everyone else’s control is referred to as God’s business.)
What are our own business?
Well, anything & everything you have control & rights to make decisions on is your own business.
The food you eat, the job you do, the place you go to, the hobby you take up, etc.
The list can goes on forever...

What about other people's business?
One of the things among the list she mentioned which caught my ear is, "Getting reprimanded by your boss." It has never occurred to me that it was actually my boss' business & not mine.
The explanation she gave makes sense. We can't control when & whether our boss will reprimand us be it our fault or not, that's why this is our bosses' businesses & not ours.
Whether we can gain the liking of others (not just in a romantic way).
Basically, these are the things which others have a say or hold the rights to make decisions in.

Last but not least, God's business.
Natural disasters like flood, earthquakes, storms, tsunami.
Those stuff which falls in the category where humans can have no control over or the abilities to change anything will be God's business.

Out of these 3 kind of businesses, in order for one to achieve the highest level of happiness is simply learn to mind your own business & don't be a busybody trying to poke your nose in other people or God's business.

Reason being, you have no rights in the decision making or the abilities to change anything.
Yet the more you try to mind their business, it will bring you more unhappiness.

The rule to be happy is really just that simple, remember the golden rule to attain HAPPINESS,

May all my readers find their ways to HAPPINESS soon! =)


Jie said…
This was oso mentioned in e 9pm drama series - pillow talk!
Eagle Ivan said…
Oh, I never watch that show. Though got my fave Jacelyn Tay!
And why didn't u leave a tag instead? haha =P I seldom read comments de.
Anonymous said…
u dun have a share button!! so i can share ur post on my blog
Eagle Ivan said…
Erm, tyl...
You can click on the blog entry's title, then a new page will open up to lead you the blog entry like this ->
Then you can copy & paste the link on your FB's page. =P
Anyway, how do you share post on blog? Got this function meh?

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