Xiong & Sing's B'days 2011!

As I need to attend extra lessons on 3rd Apr 2011, I can't go back BP for Qing Ming.
So tgt with Qiqi & Xiong, we went back a week earlier. =D 有心就好!=)

The 1st sight that greeted us!
Xiao Qi, Yu & Xiong are still there!!
2nd uncle nv abandon them! =P

Coz the adults were saying better to put them out to the wild if not they will reproduce more kittens & it'll be difficult to take care. Though it's true, to give them away is a sad thing to do. =(

And we had a mini b'day celebration for Sing & Xiong!!

Sing with her cake master, Qiqi!!

Xiong & his cake master, Bro Bear!!

The b'day dragons!!

The HAPPY participants!! v(^_^)o

And I finally got to watch "Homecoming"!!

I didn't go to the cinema to watch it when it was released.
Coz I didn't wana support Jack Neo's show & boost his box office.
However, I know this is a show I wana watch coz my Jacelyn Tay has a role in it!!!
It's the typical S'pore-M'sia type of comedy.
But my tears rolled uncontrollably during certain touching scenes.
Any1 interested to watch, can borrow the DVD from me. =D

Oh! We brought the kiddies to the Cinema & watched "Rango".
My expectations for it was too HIGH & it turned out a bit boring.
Plus, the kids didn't like it & got bored 1/2-way through.
Better to watch DVDs at home the next time. =P
At least if they're bored, they can just run along to play their own games!


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