Perfect Rivals

Free movie preview at GV Marina for “Perfect Rivals” - 《美好冤家》, tickets won from myPaper! Heez =P
And so, the lucky movie kaki was Xiong!
Coz, I needed to ask some1 who I’m 99% sure is free almost every time I asked.
Then he/she needs to be able to settle dinner on his/her own & collect the tixs first as there’s a cut off collection time. (So, ppl who’s famous for being late is/are not considered – In general, no one in particular)

It was a Sg style std kind of comedy, good enough to make you laugh your troubles away & touching enough to make you nearly tear.
Ok, I admit. The part where Xia Yu keeps repeating, “树倒猴子散” make my tears welled up & I had a bit of difficulty fighting them back.

Last but not least, I’m alwiz on the lookout for pretty faces in the movies I watched.
This beau, Pamelyn Chee齊騛(though I’m sure most won’t agree) certainly is pleasing to the eye.
Go on, catch this movie to find out 谁是真正的肉干王?


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