Love = Trust + Loyalty

Hey you! Yes, you! Are you one of those who depends on my blog to get the latest entertainment news, best bargains or news of any sorts?

If you are, I sincerely express my thanks to you for all the support rendered all these while. All if not most of you should have heard abt Jack Neo's affair thingy that's widely reported almost anywhere & everywhere. More & more ladies coming out to disclose their affairs/relationships/etc with him. If u still have not heard abt it, check it out here.

If u ask me, I don't think tis is breaking news or watsoever. It's so common tt it happens almost EVERYWHERE! Just because he's Jack Neo, the so called "FAMOUS" director in Sg, alot of reporters wana get a piece of the so called insider/hot news.

So, instead of telling u abt how many ladies he had affairs with, (which u can just read pages of news on it online if u simply google his name now) I shall share with you the formula of love.

A simple one which I derived after hearing this news.


For my whole life, I'd never ask for a love r/s that brings lots of sparks, tons of sweet nothings or even the blood rush excitement. Everytime I prayed to have a love r/s, I simply wish I can meet a lady whom I can shower my love, care & concern for; I want to be there with her during her ups & downs, hold her at her weakest moment, share her joy during her happiest times & all I ask for is for her to be appreciative of all that I wld do for her willingly. I may not be the best or perfect man in this world but I hope to give my woman the best that I can.

a perfect LOVE relationship = TRUST in the other person that he/she would in return deposit all his/her LOYALTY in your heart bank for the rest of their lives.

In order for this to blossom & for the deposit in the heart bank to grow, this has to be both ways.

My mum said, "Coz u're not married yet, u wld nv understand."

Perhaps it's true. BUT deep down, I pray that I wld nv let my wife down when I marry one.

My father was not the perfect husband or dad I wished he was. But 1 thing I know for sure, he was true to my mum & love ONLY her till the day he passed on. This is 1 of the traits I salute him for.

Most of us choose our own partners & get married to them coz we love them. I can never comprehend how can one brings himself/herself to hurt someone they love by cheating on them.

If you want to be a player, stay single & MESS/MIX with ONLY the other players. Don't go hurting the innocent.

Sometimes, a foolish act by ONE may leads to a rash decision by TWO and caused hurt to an entire FAMILY.

Do you really think it's worth it? At least, I don't think it is. . .

Some take aways . . .

(FAMILY = Father And Mother I Love You)

A marriage is a union of TWO, no EXTRAS. (Not referring to the kids though; u can have as many kids as u want.)


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