Cinderella aka 辛黛瑞拉(灰姑娘)

Rec'd an interesting email from a friend & think my readers may find the points shared meaningful as well. The original text is in Chinese; being your friendly blog owner, I shall translate it into English as best as I can. Hopefully, I can still preserve the moral the story is trying to potray. =P

An American teacher used the story, "Cinderella" to teach values to students.
Original text rec'd through email :-

































Translation :-

Bell rings, the students rushed into their classroom. Today, the teacher has a story to tell - Cinderella.

The teacher picked a student to tell the story to the whole class.

The student finished telling the story in no time. After thanking the student, the teacher starts asking the class questions.

Teacher : Who do you like in the story? And who don't you like? Why?

Students : Like Cinderella & the Prince, dislike the step mum & step sisters. Cinderella is kind, cute & pretty. But the step mum & step sisters ill treat her.

Teacher : Just imagine, if Cinderella didn't manage to hop on the pumpkin carriage when the clock struck twelve, what would have happened?

Students : Cinderella would turn back to her original self - dirty & wear torn clothes. Aiya, then it spells doom.

Teacher : So you see, you must learn to be a punctual person, or else you might just bring trouble to yourself. On top of that, just take a look at how you dress daily - neat & tidy wear. Never appear suddenly infront of others in an undesirable sight, you might just scare your friends off. Girls especially, when you grow up & start going on dates with guys, if you're not careful & get caught by your boyfriends in your ugly looks, he might faint in shock. (The teacher acts out the fainting scene & the whole class break into laughter.)

Well, you must answer the next question honestly, if you were Cinderella's step mum, would you stop Cinderella from attending the ball?

Students : (After awhile, one raised her hand & answered) Yes, if I was Cinderella's step mum, I would also stop Cinderella from attending the ball.

Teacher : Why?

Student : Because I love my own daughters and I want them to be the Queen.

Teacher : Yes, we may see step mums as a baddies, they ill treat others. But, they certainly treat their own children very well, do you see that? They're not bad people, they merely have not learn to love others like how they love their own children.

Now tell me, Cinderella's step mum tried to stop her from going to the Prince's ball by locking her up. But why did she managed to appear at the ball as the prettiest lady that night?

Students : Because the fairy god mother appeared; gave her pretty clothes, turned the pumpkin into a carriage & the dog and mice into servants.

Teacher : That's right! Think about this, if Cinderella didn't receive help from the fairy god mother, she wouldn't make it for the ball, right?

Students : Yes!

Teacher : If the dog & mice were unwilling to help her, could she make it back home in time?

Students : Nope, but she could have been able to scare the prince off successfully. (The whole class broke into laughter once more)

Teacher : Though Cinderella received the help of her fairy god mother, but that is not enough. Children, wherever we may go, everyone of us need friends. Our friends may not be our fairy god mother, but we need them and I wish you would have lots & lots of friends too.

Next, think about this, if Cinderella gave up the thought on wanting to go for the ball just because her step mum stopped her from going, would she become the Prince's bride after all?

Students : No! Because, she wouldn't have met the Prince at the ball & make him fell for her.

Teacher : Absolutely! That would also mean if Cinderella has no intention to attend the ball, even if her step mum didn't stop her or even encourage her to go, it's useless. Who decides for her if she should go to the ball?

Students : Herself.

Teacher : So, children, even if Cinderella don't have a mum to love her, her step mum hates her, it doesn't mean that she shouldn't love herself as well. In fact, it's because she loves herself, that's why she's able to pursue something that she wished for. If any of you here feel that no one loves you or just like Cinderella has a step mum who hates you, what should you do?

Students : Love ourselves!

Teacher : Yes, no one can stop you from loving yourself. If you feel that others are not giving you enough love, you should love yourself more with double the amount. If others refuse to give you any chance, you should strive even harder in giving yourself a chance. If you love yourself, you would fight to achieve what you really want. No one can stop Cinderella from attending the Prince's ball, no one can stop her from becoming the Queen except herself, right?

Students : Yes!

Teacher : Last question, tell me which part of this story is not logical?

Students : (After a long pause) When the clock struck twelve, everything turns back to its original form , but Cinderella's glass slippers didn't.

Teacher : Oh my! You are great! See, even such a great writer makes mistakes. So, making mistakes is not something to be afraid of. I guarantee that if anyone of you were to become a writer one day, you would definitely be a better writer! Do you believe in yourself?

The students cheered.

*P/S: Highlighted the part in which I find very meaningful & perhaps you readers should tell yourself that once in awhile to motivate yourself.


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