
Showing posts from November, 2009

Why am I not happy?

他们说放弃是对的决定,因为继续下去也不会有结果。但为何做了所谓对的事却没有带给我一丝的快乐?逼自己停止喜欢你,不再为你做他们觉得愚蠢的事,看见你不但笑不出来,就连心都好抽痛。这就真的是我应该做的事吗?我现在就好像失魂落魄的行尸走肉。 They said letting it go & giving it up was the best decision as holding on would lead to nowhere. Yet making the so called right decision didn't bring me a sense of happiness either. Forced myself not to like you anymore & stop doing the stuff which deemed silly by others, I couldn't smile when I see you, even my heart aches everytime we met. Is this what I really should be doing? I'm just like a lost soul walking aimlessly now.

Qi, Shannon & XY's B'days!

22nd Nov 2009 - Had a b'day dinner celebration for Qi, Shannon & XY at YX's place! Ordered Canadian Pizza & packed some Malay food from WoodGrove Al-meen! Simple celebration with the combination of GREAT food & WONDERFUL companions! BKA Papa with his lovely daughters, 真, 超 & 太 KAs! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Getting ready to attack home made cakes by Qi! Doing the presents presentation! Qi with her Charles & Keith tote bag. Blur yx cut away price tag but left receipt in bag! *_* Aunt Shannon & her Secret Wish perfume! XY with her ALL-TIME FAVE idol, Jay Chou's DVD! YX with her cap from Esprit! Eagle Ivan wana change his hp's thumbnails. So he got his daughters to take individual photos with him! The doggies wana be in it too! Now I have new thumbnails to your contacts! Coz they complained they look ___ (fill in ur own blanks) in their previous thumbnails.

The Ugly Truth about "Walking Out"

Have you ever been walk out on? Or have you ever walk out on someone else? Had dinner with my wives & anor colleague last night; learnt valuable lessons from the gossip session. So, here I am sharing with you a summary of what I've learnt. My dear bros, listen up! From the mouths of the experienced female lovers who shared with me, "Guys should never be the one to walk out on girls." When a couple broke up in an argument, a REAL MAN should never walk out on his gal. IF the guy walk away & leave the gal chasing after him, it ONLY means that guy would not take good care of her when they get married. To female readers, if a guy does that to you even when u're just in courtship, IMAGINE wat wld happen when you get married? 1 of my "lecturers" last nite said, "This kind of guy might even turn VIOLENT against you when you're married." BUT a gal has ALL the rights to walk out on the guy when they have an argument. Then the guy has to go after ...

Closing the history book. . .

25th Nov - For 9 yrs, I've never been able to forget this date. It brought happiness & sadness as well as laughter & tears to me. 10 years ago, on 25th Nov 1999 - I was 16. I was made the HAPPIEST man on Earth, though it didn't last long. The joy I've felt when that special someone fulfilled the promise made 6 mths earlier was beyond any words could describe. A promise I'd thought she make it w/o serious thought was fulfilled on 25th Nov 1999. From then on, I told myself, "A promise made is a promise meant to be kept." However, all these years, I've broken some of my promises to some ppl & hurt them. I'm not going to find any excuses or give any reasons for why I broke them. I'm simply sorry for doing so. 25th Nov 2009 - 10 years after I first felt love, I'm going to teach myself an important lesson. . . "Time & tide waits for no man. There's no point in holding onto sth which you know would never have a future to it. Y...

My BEST BUDDY's wedding!

As the title suggests, my BEST BUDDY got married on 21st Nov 2009! Oh man! Every bride looks stunningly beautiful on their wedding day. Of coz my buddy was pretty to begin with. =P Stayed over @ her hse the nite b4; we were buddies for 15yrs & it's the 1st time I spend my nite @ her hse. She did invite me to stay over afew times when I met up with her in JB, but I shy mah. wahaha *lol* No objections allowed from the ground (Read : Readers of this blog)! It was a LONG day but I had lots of fun & laughter. From the way, buddy's sisters team "tortured" the groom's brothers team, took photos of the whole event & I made a new friend, Katie Lee! =) Who's Katie Lee? Read on! Pretty bride in the making! The groom, the bride & her sisters! The dinner place! See the centre photo? That's my new friend I'm carrying! wahaha *lol* Some of you must be thinking, 烂(滥)情韦小宝 has got a new target? *shakes head* Yah, my image has been "tarnished" a...

The Ugly Truth about "Being Loved"!

First & foremost, let me wish my 2 irreplaceable sisters, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINNEYS!" Whatever happens, we'll stay together. Ohana means "No1 gets left out or forgotten." I LUB YOU!! My little sister, Aunt Shannon is forever so proud that she shares the same b'day as Mickey. So I'm using Mickey & Minnie wallpaper for my "The Ugly Truth" session. 18th Nov 1928 - Mickey cartoons were first shown on TV. Today's session is more of an open discussion for my dear readers. Recently, I heard sth from a lady friend & other ladies who were at the same table sort of agree to what the lady friend said. Now, I want to hear from you. =) She mentioned, "A guy can sense which girl likes/loves him & needs his attention. Then it's up to him to make the decision whether to reciprocate the feelings. A girl likes/loves everyone around her just as much as she wants everyone around her to like/love her as well. A girl ENJOYS being liked/lo...

B'days Dinner @ Jap Restaurants!!

Ivan loves Jap food, especially BUFFETS! Dinner places I would suggest for b'days celebrations would usually be Jap Restaurants! Heard from my fave radio station, Y.E.S FM93.3 on Senki Jap Restaurant along Kiliney Road. Their recommendations were like "Wow!". So I tot it's a MUST try! With that, I brought my 5G1U + CL to try. Well, the food is not bad. As for the "Wow!", maybe the DJs & other listeners of 93.3 has NOT so high standards of Jap food. But still, like Eagle Ivan always say, "It's the COMPANION that matters!" My dear ladies who were present. Yes, Mummy Lyn, u were GREATLY MISSED! Juz as much as I missed Baby Ping! =P Don't ask me where was I looking. . . I think the camera person DON'T like me. *hmph* For the belated aug babies' b'day dinner, I suggested Shokudo, but they choose Kushinbo instead. So, off we went to JP. Meet the Aug Babies of zhus (Piggies)! Darling zhuyin, Buddy Shane & I! The Perfectionists ...

Movies Weekend!

It was a movies weekend for me. Perhaps making up for all the movies I've wanted to watch but missed? And coincidentally, the shows I've watched over the weekend are all tots provoking. They make me think of alot of stuff, especially on life & the ones I loved - my family & friends. I've always love Saw's series of movies. I remembered I catch all the series when they were released, but somehow I tot there wasn't Saw V. So, I went to search online & there really is Saw V, but have I watched it b4? I'm still trying 2 recall. Gd thing I kept all my movies stubs, shall go check them out one day. Watched this show @ Cine with Diane, Miao Chin, Shirleen & Murs. The show still make me quiver in my seat as usual. However, in comparison with the past few series, this perhaps lose out alittle. The ways the victims were tortured were sort of repeated from previous few series. 21/12/2012 - Is that really the end of the World? Mum wld seldom says she wana wa...

World Kindness Day!

Your friendly blog owner has not vanished from the surface of this world. I'm merely abit busier than usual. Here I am back to promote World Kindness Day to everyone! This is the official logo for "World Kindness Movement". We are more familiar with our own Courtesy Lion! =) Try out some fun stuff here ! Remember to spread KINDNESS anywhere, everywhere to anyone & everyone around you! Not just for today though. However, if u've nt been v.kind all along, try 2b nice AT LEAST for a day, yah? KINDNESS wld chase all negative energy away for this Friday the 13th!

The Ugly Truth abt "ATTENTION!"

ATTENTION all my bros & male readers out there. Today, we're gona discuss abt a FACT which prob every1 (male & female alike) ALREADY know. In general, MOST girls LOVE attention & MOST guys ENJOY giving it. Don't we always say it takes 2 hands 2 clap? =P Instead of telling u abt the attention girls need & want, I'm merely sending out some friendly reminders to the guys out there. Coz we tend to get carried away by the attention we're giving & how the seeking of attention from gals blurred our minds & mislead us. Pls note these pointers/reminders:- 1) Even if the gal seeks/wants/needs ur attention, it DOESN'T necessary means she likes u. 2) Whether or not u like the gal, just as long as u're out with A GAL, give her ur fullest ATTENTION. Even if she's 1 of ur buddy kind of girl friend who goes girls-watching with u, u dun turn ur head in the direction of a pretty woman in the midst of ur conversation UNLESS she does & asks u to look...

This is ridiculous!

Due to a small misunderstanding b/w the organizers & Pan Mei's team, Pan Mei was detained for 4 LONG hours! I was really like, "OMFG!" when I heard the news. Juz y can't these authorities find out the REAL truth b4 they do sth like that. 4 hrs, do u noe hw much tings she can be doing? My dearest idol, Pan Mei is into lots of sports & leisure activities. She can cook, have a game of golf, do her yoga, meditate or simply have a good rest after putting up the performance. But that detention for her is a total waste of time & worse, it upsets her! ARGH! Read abt it here if u're interested. =P

The Ugly Truth about "BREAKUPS"!

Well, a someone asked, "U've didn't blog over the wkend?" I kind of suspect she has gotten addicted to my "The Ugly Truth" session like afew other readers. Den I received an email from anor reader whom I can't disclose to protect her identity against her EX-bf. She wants me to do a session on "BREAKUPS" - What GUYS need to know abt the stuff GIRLS HATE after a breakup. From wat I know, there can be afew situations after a couple breaks up. Let's us analyse them all:- Best Case Scenario They come to mutual terms with it & decided that they can still be the best of friends or maybe just friends. Of coz, this is the perfect situation and I'm glad I'm having this kind of friendship with Grade A friend. ^_~ Neutral Scenario Anor one, it's the kind of situation where they don't keep in contact @ all. Both are fine with tis arrangement, nth much to touch on this either. Worst Case(s) Scenario This is the case of my dear reader ...