Why am I not happy?

他们说放弃是对的决定,因为继续下去也不会有结果。但为何做了所谓对的事却没有带给我一丝的快乐?逼自己停止喜欢你,不再为你做他们觉得愚蠢的事,看见你不但笑不出来,就连心都好抽痛。这就真的是我应该做的事吗?我现在就好像失魂落魄的行尸走肉。 They said letting it go & giving it up was the best decision as holding on would lead to nowhere. Yet making the so called right decision didn't bring me a sense of happiness either. Forced myself not to like you anymore & stop doing the stuff which deemed silly by others, I couldn't smile when I see you, even my heart aches everytime we met. Is this what I really should be doing? I'm just like a lost soul walking aimlessly now.