Story of US - 39th episode!

“Honey, look! That’s James!” Angie shouted with excitement as James made his last corner and raced towards the finishing line.

After the race, Reynolds family was at the resting area.

“Son, you were great!” Jim said as he gave a big pat on James’ back.

“Yah, Mr Reynolds, you have an outstanding son! James, the race would not be as exciting without you.” Tyson said as he stepped into the resting area.

“Agnes, it’s you!” Following behind Tyson, Veronica was taken aback as she saw the familiar face.

“Hi, surprised to see you here.” Agnes smiled.

“Oh, you know each other? No wonder you find James familiar, they are siblings.” Tyson said.

“James Reynolds, Agnes Reynolds. So I see.” Veronica nodded.

“We shall have a celebration for James and then you folks can catch up with each other. James, go and get changed, we shall wait for you here.” Tyson said.

“What are you working as now, Agnes?” asked Veronica.

“I am currently working in Carson Hospital as a heart specialist.” Agnes replied.

“Wow! That is impressive!” Veronica’s eyes widen.

“Thanks. By the way, what are you working as in Tyson Motor Sports Association?” Agnes asked.

“I had been working as Tyson Marketing Executive ever since I graduate. It is only today that I know your brother James is one of our racers. It is a small world after all.” Veronica smiled.

“It is just my first race anyway. I still need alot of help from Tyson Motor and you, not forgetting the support from the car crew.” James said.

“You are our star, James! Especially after winning your first trophy today, we would have more training for you. You need to be mentally and physically prepared. Of course Veronica would be busy thinking of marketing strategies to make your name known in the racing circle and to the outside world. Fame would very soon be attached to your name, James Reynolds!” Tyson stood up with a glass of champagne in his hand. “Let us cheer to James for winning his first trophy and to his bright future!”

Reynolds family was on their way home after the dinner celebration.

“Son, I am so proud of you!” Jim said.

“I am happy that you got in first place. However, I can’t help worrying every time you get onto the tracks.” Angie gave a sigh.

“Mum, there you go again. I had training all day long and I have absolute confidence in my driving. Do not worry about me.” James said as he wrapped his Mum in his arms.

“James, what was on your mind when you were on the tracks?” Agnes popped the question with her eyes looking straight into James’ eyes.

“You know me best, don’t you? You have an answer inside your heart, right? Before I forget, Happy Birthday Agnes! My trophy is for you and yes, for Joy.” James said with tears rolling in his eyes. “Oh, why aren’t Ralph and Naomi here today?” James wiped his eyes as he tried to change the topic so as not to bring up the sadness in his family’s hearts after Joy’s demise.

“They said they would watch your race on TV with other Hartford’s patrons. They claimed that the atmosphere is better and at the same time, want us to enjoy ourselves as they watched over the pub.” Jim said.

“Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to Agnes! Happy Birthday to You!” sings the crowd at Hartford’s Pub as the Reynolds family stepped in.

“Daddy, you knew about it, didn’t you?” Agnes was touched to tears when she said this.

“Sweetie, your daddy and I know nothing about this.” Angie said.

“Yes, Agnes. Naomi was the one who planned everything. Neither Uncle Jim, Aunt Angie or James know a thing.” Ted said as he switched on the lights in the pub. “This self-designed female basketball jersey is from Peace and me.”

“Yeah, we got one for him too.” Peace added in as she pointed to the stage where Aaron was sitting.

“Baby, it’d been a long time since I call you this way. This is for you. Happy Birthday!” Aaron walked towards Agnes and gave her a huge Mickey Mouse soft toy.

When they were still schooling, Agnes had been telling Aaron how romantic it would be for a boyfriend to buy a huge soft toy for his girlfriend. However, Aaron was never the romantic type and he had always felt it was a waste of money. To him, feelings are all that matter in a relationship and not things bought with money. He has failed to realize that a relationship can at times be enhanced with a gift, be it big or small. And for that, Agnes had a few quarrels with him for not being caring enough.

“You still love Mickey Mouse, don’t you?” Aaron muttered.

Agnes could no longer control her tears or emotions. She hugged onto Aaron as tightly as she could.

“Yes, I do.” Agnes replied in between sobs.

“Ok, folks. Let’s cut the cake while the two continue.” Jim broke the silence.

“Ralph, are you ok?” Naomi asked as she saw Ralph heading towards the back alley after the cake cutting and she followed. “I am sorry that I hurt you by arranging this birthday celebration. I know you have a liking on Agnes.”

“It’s ok, Naomi. All these years, I know Aaron is the only one she loves. Love needs no possession. Once in my lifetime, I can be the one to stay by her side to console her when she was down is already enough for me. I don’t ask for more.” Ralph said with a tinge of sadness.

Back in Hartford’s Pub, the rest were happily engaging in a conversation.

“Agnes, you should see his expression when he was carrying the Mickey Mouse all the way from Stuart Mall to here. It was hilarious.” Peace laughed out loud.

“You bet man! We were there with him and Peace simply refused to help him.” Ted continued.

“It is more sincere that way!” Peace defended herself.

“Where’s Aaron anyway?” Agnes asked.

“Testing.” Came the voice over the microphone. It was Aaron, standing on the stage. “Hello, I would like to thank everyone present in Hartford Pub tonight to make this birthday celebration a success. There is something I want you to witness.” Aaron cleared his throat and said, “Agnes, I know I’ve hurt you in the past. I was not caring enough. I left you when you needed me most, I was just being selfish. For that, I am really sorry about it. However, I’ve never stop blaming myself all these years. I think of you day and night. I never knew I would be able to see you once more. If not for you, I may not be able to make it till tonight. My life belongs to you. I’ve composed a song for you.”

[One more chance]

Out of the window I saw raindrops falling
You are the blowing cold air
Tell me girl that the sky cries for you
When you were walking with loneliness
I made a promise to myself
To win the world just for you
*How long had it been since I last hold you
I do not have time for tears
No rights to regret
Please forgive my foolishness
To seek my dreams in the vast blue sky
I reached out my hands and caught the wind
I let you go
Never thought that love without warmth
Could be that heart piercing
Please forgive me for letting you be alone
I need my dreams no more when I can’t have you
This time I would never let go of your hands
Committing the same mistakes over and over*
I am the ignorant one
It all lies in the heart
Love lost its meaning
Why do I wait till this moment to wake up to my senses
To realize waiting is a misery
You have been hurt haven’t you
Tell me if there is still hope
Repeat *
Forgive me for letting you feel lonely
You are the only one who knows me
Now let me be the one to wait in the dark instead
From now on you are my only reason for living on

After Aaron finished singing his song with George’s playing on the organ, he said, “Baby, would you please forgive me and let us start all over again? I love you, baby!”

“Woohoo!” the crowd cheered on. “Say yes, Agnes!”

Agnes’ tears flowed endlessly, “Yes, Aaron!”

And they hugged once more.


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