Happy Halloween!!

It's Mid-Week! And it's Halloween!! Go on and scare your timid friends! (^^.) For those going for Halloween Parties, enjoy!

Found some interesting Halloween superstitions online to share with mey wonderful readers!

- Going in for dumb supper, meaning that nobody will talk while having supper, encourages the spirits to come to the table.

- It is said that if you hear someone's footsteps behind you on the Halloween night, you should not turn back because it may be a dead following you. And if you commit the mistake of looking back, it is likely that you might join the dead very soon.

- It is believed that if an unmarried girl keeps a rosemary herb and a silver sixpence under her pillow on Halloween night, it is quite likely that on that very night, she would dream of her future husband.

- People believe that if on the Halloween night, a girl carrying a lamp in her hand goes to a spring of water, she will see the reflection of her life partner in water.

- People have a superstition that if an unmarried girl carries a broken egg in a glass and takes it to a spring of water, she will be able to catch the glimpse of not just her future husband, by mixing some spring water in the glass, but also she can see the reflection of her future kids.

(The above 3 points are better than the idea of lighting a candle infront of a mirror and slicing off the apple skin to see your future husband, right? As they said if the apple skin torn halfway, your future spouse would die.)

- There is the old saying that "black cats are bad luck". It was once believed that black cats were the devil, or consumed by evil spirits.

- People used to believe that Satan was a nut-gatherer. Nuts were also used as magic charms on the day of Halloween festival.

- If you put your clothes on inside out as well as outside walk backwards on Halloween night. At midnight you will see a witch in the sky. People used to believe witches were the devil, or that they were consumed by evil.

- There is also an old saying "If the flame on your candle goes out on Halloween celebration; it gives you the meaning that you are with a ghost".

- If you ring a bell on Halloween it will frighten evil spirits away. (Oh, so timid ppl can carry a bell with them tonight. haha)

- Many people used to consider that owls would dive down to eat the souls of the dying on Halloween. They used to think if you pulled your pockets out, and left them hanging, they'd be safe.

- It has been said if a bat flies into your house on Halloween, it is a sign that ghosts or spirits are very near, and maybe they are in your home and let the bat in.

- People used to believe that if bats are out early on Halloween, and they fly around playfully, then good weather is to come. (So should we love bats or not?)

- If a bat flies around your house three times on Halloween, death is very soon to come.

- To ward off evil spirits on Halloween, you can bury all the animal bones in your front yard, or
even put a picture of an animal very close to your doorway. (Who keeps animal bones?)

- People used to believe you could walk around your house three times backwards before sunset on Halloween, and that would take care of all evil. (Coz they have died of laughing seeing you in such a weird way and not forgetting the constant falling back on your butt.)

- It could be the spirit of a dead loved one watching you if you watch a spider on Halloween.



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