The Power Of Giving!

IT'S FRIDAY! Enjoy the weekend ahead with the following post!

There is tremendous power in giving. Giving is a completely selfless act, a way to give back. Giving to those in need allows you to share what you have with others. Giving is an integral part of human nature, it is why we feel joy in giving, why we gain so much from seeing another smile. The act of giving also inspires others to give, which is the basis of the “pay it forward” concept.
It is not the amount that is meaningful, but rather the act of giving itself. Even the smallest gift can make a difference. When many people give a small amount collectively it can make a significant impact, bringing joy to both giver and receiver.

You can start spreading the spirit of kindness around you by doing any of the following:

At Work

• Say “hello” to people you pass in the corridor at work

• Only say nice things about your work colleagues, behind their backs

• Send only lovely, positive and inspiring e-mails for one day!

• Stay late the night before to clear your workload and then next day ask out loud: “Does anyone need any help with anything?”

• Do something to make the office special – clean the kitchen, empty the bins, straighten the pictures, wipe the desks

At Home

• Starting a happy book at home, recording all the good things that happen to you and your family – your achievements as well as your plans

• Make the tea, empty the dishwasher, do something round the home you would not normally do

• Be with your partner – really be, come home to each other, and talk about all of the joys and happiness you have together

• Give your child total time and attention for just one hour (at a time of their choosing!)

• Give total and absolute, unconditional love, to your pet – hold them and speak with them while looking into their eyes

In Public Places

• Hold the door for someone

• Letting someone cut in front of you in line at the grocery store

• Help someone who is struggling with luggage, shopping bags

• Stop and say hello to a lonely person. Engage them in a short conversation.

With Other People

• Visiting a neighbour who you have lived near for so long, and never met

• Tell someone they are amazing, that they have a potential deep inside them that is astounding

• Ring or visit relatives you don't often speak too and make them feel special

• Ask an elderly person how they are doing. Ask about their children. Find out how many grandchildren they have. Let them brag about their grandchildren.

• Mentally forgive someone from your past – cover yourself in purple, welcome them in to your mind, acknowledge them, say to yourself “I choose peace over this” and let them go.

We tend to hear only about those that give huge amounts and don't realize that even the smallest gift can have an enormous effect. You get what you give in this life, so give with a joyous heart all year round.


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