The lucky one get luckier!

Hey folks! I noe alot of ppl gona hate me for this. haha =)

This week alone, I won 3 pairs of tixs.

1) 30/07/07, 8.30pm - Jay Chou's "Secrets" @ Grand Cathay.

2) 30/07/07, 7pm - "Cashback" @ GV Marina

3) Free complimentary tixs to watch "Alone" any wkdays, any time @ any GV theatres.

However, I am only going for the 1st show. 2nd show tixs, I have decided to give to Princess Qi. Reason being, as u can see, both 1st & 2nd show has their timings crashed.

And since I'm giving Princess Qi the 2nd pair of tixs, I have to give Genius Yu the 3rd pair too! Of coz, it's also because she is helpful enough to help me collect the tixs. The free complimentary tixs hafta be collected during office hours. It's from Monday - Friday, 9am - 5.30pm. Never am I gona be able to collect the tixs myself. Since Genius offered to collect on my behalf, I've decided to let her have the tixs. Be ready 2b scare, my dear sis.

In case some of you wonder, is Ivan having some kind of imagination himself? Always saying he win this & that. I noe it sounds absolutely impossible to win almost 1 thing each mth. So, here's the tixs I've already received.

And the lucky person to watch this is Princess Qi! =)

P/S: Oh, my dear said she wana bring camera to shoot Jay's pic. If we can get a clear pic, I shall post it here for my dear readers next week. *grinz*

Another thing, my story. It's not done yet. I'll try 2c if I can rush it by this mth end. I am trying v.hard and my dear is v.supportive. She plans to give up meeting me this wkend for me to concentrate on completing my story on time. Thanks, dear! Love ya! *muacks*


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