Ways to Beat the Blues

Because it's FRIDAY! Let's enjoy the coming weekend! Meanwhile, let me share an interesting article with you before you head off for your happening Friday night! =)

Contemporary man is completely sold to the idea of the weekend and, therefore, horrified by the idea of working seven days a week. We drag ourselves through workdays so that we can relax in the evenings. We endure the week so that we can have the weekend. We work through the year so that we can go on leave at the end of the year.

So instead of justifying the need for a holiday, perhaps we should take a closer look at the quality of our working life.

Whether it is the usual Monday blues or just feeling lethargic, here are some points to note to help you conquer the melancholy mood and get the most bliss out of your daily activities.

1 . What and how

What you do is not important, it is how you do it. Whatever you do, do it with deep alertness; then even small things become sacred. You can clean the floor like a robot; you have to clean it, so you clean it. But it could have been a great experience; you missed it. You cleaned the floor and that would have cleansed you. Clean the floor full of awareness; be luminous with awareness.

2 . Be aware of yourself

One thing has to be a continuous thread: remember yourself. While walking, say, "I am walking." While sitting, say, "I am sitting." And feel the shift in your awareness; be actively conscious. There will be a sudden spark.

3 . Are you a perfectionist?

Beware! What counts is being total, not perfect. This brings out the best in you. The very idea of perfectionism drives people crazy. The perfectionist is bound to be neurotic. He/she cannot enjoy life till He/she is perfect. But life itself is imperfect. There is a huge difference between perfection and totality. Perfection is a goal for the future, totality is an experience now. If you can get into any act with your whole heart, you are total. Totality brings wholeness, health and sanity. The perfectionist forgets about totality. There is a big gap between how he/she is and how he/she wants to be.

4. Get Enough Light and Sunshine

Lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and a lethargic condition. Melatonin is only produced in the dark... It lowers the overall body temperature and makes you feel sluggish. If you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed. If you cannot afford to get some sunshine, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights... Have lunch outside the office, take frequent walks instead of driving your car over short distances.

5. Get Busy and Get Inspired

You will be more likely to overcome any feeling of depression if you are too busy to notice it... Live a life full of inspired activities.
Do the things you love... If you are a little short on cash, you could engage in simple stuffs like taking a leisurely stroll in the park, playing sports, reading books, or engaging in any activity that you have passion for and would love to pursue.
Set a goal, a meaningful purpose in life... No matter how difficult or discouraging life can be, remain firm and have an unshakable belief that you are capable of doing anything you desire... With this kind of positive attitude, you will attain a cheerful disposition to beat the blues.

6. Eat Right and Exercise

Avoid foods with lots of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol... Sugar and caffeine may give you a brief moment of energy, but they would later bring about anxiety, tension, and internal problems... Recent studies have shown that caffeine is linked to numerous other health problems. If you did not already know, alcohol is a depressant... Many people would drink alcohol to 'forget their problems', but really they are just aggravating their conditions in the process.

These are small tools, but they will help you see the gap between workdays and holidays decreasing. You will soon be eagerly waiting for work to begin. Who knows, you may even say: "Thank God it's Monday!"


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