Sasa's B'day!
Celebrated Sasa's b'day on 22nd June. We had GREAT fun! The photos tell it all!
This bunch of girls are always so crazy. Though they always 'outcast' me during gatherings, but I noe they loved me the most! haha =) Coz I'm the thorn among the roses!
I love my KA gang! =) We've evolved. I think we're too old to be introduced as our original gang's name. Heez =) But we're still KA!
Preparing Sasa's b'day prez! Most beautiful photo album decorated with love!

Look at the mess! *_*

Our cook, yaya papaya!

And our dish washer lady. Guess who?

Princess Qiqi's doing washing?! Yes, it's her PT job. Princess is nt so easy to be, ok?
Princess dish washer for rent! Any takers?

I was the 1st to finish my page, so I was assigned to acc Sasa, our b'day girl.
We were already very hungry. Stomach rumbling. Yet Princess Qiqi commands to take 10 photos first. Here are some of it.

Finally, we get to eat! Chomp chomp chomp!

The photo album and a top from Outfitter sth. haha =)

The wording suits her. Our very huggable angel.
Then it's photo whoring time!

And they asked, "What word?!"
Non except Qiqi who was as creative as me knows, "Sweet Twenty"

Then we were glued to the TV. Watching 爱特别的你 on Chn 8!

After the show, YX started distributing butterflies pens.

This bunch of girls are always so crazy. Though they always 'outcast' me during gatherings, but I noe they loved me the most! haha =) Coz I'm the thorn among the roses!
I love my KA gang! =) We've evolved. I think we're too old to be introduced as our original gang's name. Heez =) But we're still KA!
Preparing Sasa's b'day prez! Most beautiful photo album decorated with love!
Look at the mess! *_*
Our cook, yaya papaya!
And our dish washer lady. Guess who?
Princess Qiqi's doing washing?! Yes, it's her PT job. Princess is nt so easy to be, ok?
Princess dish washer for rent! Any takers?
I was the 1st to finish my page, so I was assigned to acc Sasa, our b'day girl.
We were already very hungry. Stomach rumbling. Yet Princess Qiqi commands to take 10 photos first. Here are some of it.
Finally, we get to eat! Chomp chomp chomp!
Next we present our gifts for Sasa!
The photo album and a top from Outfitter sth. haha =)
The wording suits her. Our very huggable angel.
Then it's photo whoring time!
The page we choose sth to represent ourselves & a phase to describe Sasa!
The rest complained I took up a huge space... I merely put the words, "Xtreme Sugar & Spice Superstar. Not alot mah..*grinz*

And I pointed, "That's mine!"
And I pointed, "That's mine!"
And they asked, "What word?!"
Non except Qiqi who was as creative as me knows, "Sweet Twenty"
Then we were glued to the TV. Watching 爱特别的你 on Chn 8!
After the show, YX started distributing butterflies pens.
Then, our photo whoring addiction starts taking over us!
We rushed to take our individual photo before the candles go off.