It's all about CNY with the Teo Family! (Part II)

Finally, I have time to settle down & upload the remaining photos. I know CNY has passed a very long time ago. Heez (^^.) Anyway, here's the very outdated photos!
First, take a look at our MUST DO ACTIVITIES every year!


Posting b4 the "WAR"


Our professional photographer, Qiqi never fails to take candid shots! haha =)
Coming up next from the House of Gamblers!




Of coz,
Not forgetting our fave activity! This year, we gathered $168 for grandpa!

Gpa with his 27 grandchildren, a grand daughter-in-law & a grand son-in-law.

But he actually has 28 grandchildren! So we grabbed him from the kitchen & take 1 more photo!

Gpa with his 11 BIG kids!
Presenting his sons & daughters-in-laws!
The BIG Family every1 is proud to be in!

The G4 who adores their Gpa!
And now for the individual families photos!
Photos according to ranks. =)

大姨和熊(雄-每年都要争夺最感人照片奖!)- 1st aunt & his precious son, Xiong! (he alwiz fights for the most touching photo award)

大舅和家人 - 1st uncle & family! The whole family looks alike!
二姨与家人!2nd aunt & family! (If you notice, the old ones are all in RED while the young ones in PURPLE) *LOL*
MY FAMILY! Once again, the not so young 1 is in RED.
Anyway, it's 三姨与孩子 - 3rd aunt & her wonderful kids!

We almost forget our God-Brother!
No, OHANA means no1 get left behind or forgotten!
二舅和二舅母 - 2nd uncle & 2nd aunt-in-law! May the 2 of you stay blissful!

四姨与家人- 4th aunt with her family! (Her kids simply don't like to smile)

五姨与家人(勇夺最大家庭奖) - 5th aunt & her family! (The biggest Family)

三舅与家人 - 3rd uncle & his family! (This time the guys are in RED, while the girls in PURPLE)

六姨与孩子 - 6th aunt with her kids! (The most uniformed family!)

小舅与家人 - Small Uncle & family! (Anor 1 on the way!)

小姨与两个小瓜 - Small aunt with her 2 most mischievious kids! Terrors of the TEO family! haha =)
On the last day...
We went 十八罗汉庙.
And the 1st thing we saw!


These 2 girls can only watched in the hot sun as we eat. (They can't take cold stuff.)

And we posed for them to take photos of us! *Grinz*

祈福香 - You write your wishes on the paper attached to the incense. Normally, ppl wish for the whole famiy 2b healthy & safe.

Our youngest cousin, Yu Xuan kneeling down infront of every 观音像 on her own.

This little boy is so cute, we can't resist taking his photo. He crawls in a special way, by juz using his cute little butt. *psycho smile*
Make a Wish @ the wishing pond! There's 金龙鱼 inside, it was said that you would strike 4D after touching them. (^^.) I did!
And after we got back to Gpa's house, we had a best french kisser competition! Never knew we have so much good kissers around.
Let the photos do the talking...

Gotcha! They're playing some passing games lah. (".)
And we have our farewell dinner...
Pretending to be emotional...

And they excludes me from the farewell photo! So sad! =(

Then it's time we head back to Singapore.
But we'll be missing them @ far away BP!


Anonymous said…
We didn't exclude u. U and xiong were out there at the five foot walkway, shouting, "hao le ma? kuai dian..." =.=

but we love our big bro la. dont always feel extra. (:

u so slow, we are going back AGAIN and u've just blogged about the PREVIOUS trip. lol

Eagle Ivan said…
At least I still managed to fin blogging abt it, dun complain so much lah. I'm a busy man leh. Mr Bear needs to make HONEY de! haiz.. Poor me! Nv blog, kana complaints, blog aso no better. What to do?!

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