Beyond hate...

Often, we find ourselves saying that we do things for other ppl own good. However, we failed to realize that no matter if it's really for their own good or nt, they might nt appreciate at all. We're instead seen as busybodies. So the next time u wana do sth that u think it's for some else's own good, think twice.

When we care too much, we seem 2b intruding their privacy or restrict their freedom. I guess most of us felt that way frm our parents since young. Sometimes, we really dun understand until we're in their shoes. And the person who cares would slowly be tired from all those caring. Coz he/she was nt being appreciated & might even be treated with the worst attitude.

Maybe, we juz have to learn to MYOB. (Mind Your Own Business) haha =) It's hard not to meddle wif ur love ones affairs, however when we learn to do that, we might be happier ourselves. Y bother when they dun care how u feel, rite? Give it up!

Have u ever love some1? I guess most of us did, so do I. I'm still loving alot of ppl! Have u ever hate some1? I guess hate is a v.strong feeling & nt alot of ppl went thru that. That's good! Coz hate is an unbearable feeling, worse than lonliness. But do you noe wat's the feeling beyond hate? To me, I guess it's immune, infeeling/feeling-less (if there're such words lah).

When you hate some1, you feel irritated by their every words/actions. However, when u go passed that stage & become immune, u no longer get annoyed by what they do/say. Coz it no longer matters anymore. Describing that feeling thru words is juz too diff. You would only noe it when u've been there yourself. But may every1 of u do not need to reach that stage. It's like u've 走火入魔. A path of no return - nth can salvage it anymore.


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