Our 2nd Month!

Our 1st program of the day & aso our fave activity 2gether - KLunch @ Cineleisure! Sing our way to 1.30pm. Den we went for our neoprints session! Spent an hr+ in the shop. haha (^^.)

At 3.15pm, it's show time! Watched a great & exciting show, 'Poseidon'. V.touching too! It's really v.different frm 'Titanic' & it's so much better, worth watching! The show sets ppl thinking.

And next is my dear & aso alot other gers fave hobby - SHOPPING! She bought a new bag & a pair of heels for herself. Dear bought a wallet for her mum too.

After that, dear wana buy carnations for her mum, so we tried our luck @ Holland V. She managed to buy 8 @ $1 each. The wrapping is v.sub standard though. Actually, it's nt much of wrapping either. Simply rolled the flowers up in paper. haha (".) Well, it's the thoughts!

Went TCC for a drink & chat b4 going hm. Dear made a card for me with the TCC coaster.

It was so touching to receive my prez, u noe? Dear made wishing stars for me & wrote the same wish on every1 of them!!
I am really so touched, my dear is simply so swt!
She bought me a braclet from Moshi Moshi. I really love it though it is kind of big! Bt she keeps insisting I dun like it.
I love my dear to bits! *muacks*


Anonymous said…
aiyo...coaster la..doi. Hahas~
MiZuKi said…
Hee.....as long as you like it then it is worth my effort to prepare the surprise gifts for you. *tear* Making the wishing stars made my hand pain pain.
MiZuKi said…
Piggy, I already finished browsing friendster, looking at your blog, checking my email and play a few games on neopet and you still sleepy. Should I wake you up?
Anonymous said…
haha. ur blog is for u to practise ur english eh? =x

-qiqiqiqiqi (princess sis, bestie cum colleague)
Eagle Ivan said…
To Princess Qi:
Yup! Every1 needs to improve mah! U're aso 1 of my shifu! haha (^^.) This time some1 else beats u to telling me wat's that hard cover thingy, it's call coaster!

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