My dear is nt v.interested in watching this show & she'll nt be too happy if I watch wif any other gers. (I dun haf much guy frenz to watch wif me either) So my dear sis aka Princess Qi offered to watch wif me. Thx my dear bestie! I guez the show is abit loud & violent for u. And sorry that I didn't spend as much time wif u as b4. (^^.)

Anyway, back to the show. Though it's the same type of show whr Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) takes on impossible mission, it's defintely a show worth watching! I cldn't sit still in my seat @ all! The fighting scenes, the advanced technology & the incredible ways of tackling the mission plus the love between a strongly bonded couple! What's more to say? Go catch that show, man!

I have these thoughts after watching the show.


Dear, only u hold the key to the softest part of my heart. You have the power to make me or break me. And only with ur trust, I can overcome all toughness. Pls promise me that no matter wat happens in the future, you'll stay by my side & be the 1 to haf trust in my words or actions even if the whole world turn their backs on me!

Nothing's gona change my LOVE for YOU!


MiZuKi said…
Dun worry. I will alway be there for you. Hmm......you make the show so interesting that I wanted to watch now. So how?
Eagle Ivan said…
Dear, the show is really nice! How ah? Either watch again or wait for the VCD to release loh..hehe >.<
Mrs.keir said…
y no ask mi go..
watch with me can?

can anot?

Eagle Ivan said…
NONO! Cannot lah..My gf cannot go watch wif u..ltr u teach her all the bad stuff of being a gf..Den I'm the 1 to suffer...

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