Tink b4 u put the blame on others.
Friday, 03/06/2005 - When you point your fingers at others, the rest of your 4 fingers are pointing at yourself!
This is a sentence most ppl heard b4, bt ever tot of wat it really means? At times when things goes wrong, u start to blame others. Why nt tink abt the whole incident, cld it be ur fault in nt giving the rite instructions in the 1st place? Or mb the 2 of u miscommunicated? So, b4 u start to point fingers, tink!
This is a sentence most ppl heard b4, bt ever tot of wat it really means? At times when things goes wrong, u start to blame others. Why nt tink abt the whole incident, cld it be ur fault in nt giving the rite instructions in the 1st place? Or mb the 2 of u miscommunicated? So, b4 u start to point fingers, tink!