
Sunday, 26/06/2005 - 没有占有的爱也能很幸福!

Often, we tell others or hear ppl telling us if we love some1, we dun hafta possess tt person. To do tt, it's hard, v.hard indeed. And afew of us can really do tt. Some of us struggled to do juz tt. Bt out of those who managed to get the mindset of to love some1 is nt possessing her, hw many of them are truly happy? Very few...I'm nt the 1 who's very happy abt being nt able to possess the 1 I love either. Bt when I c her being happy, whether being attached wif some1 else or single if she choose 2b, I really feel true happiness for her.

I love her, bt it doesn't mean she haf to love me in return, she's nt obliged to. Neither does she hafta tink abt hw I wld feel wif her rejection. It wld be gd for us to hear her console. (Sometimes) Bt it doesn't means she has to. If u're tinking of getting sth in return, be it her love, her console or watsoever, u dun really love her at all in the 1st place. B'coz I truly believe love is self-less, love is loving with wat u haf & asking nth in return.

*It's all my own viewpoints, I welcome other points of views to share wif my readers. We may juz rec'd interesting comments.*


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