Stories part 46 - 50

Part 46 - As days went by, work load got heavier for both Ice and Navi. They spend lesser time together in doing the things both enjoyed like suntanning on Rene's beach, play with Ham and care for the farm animals. Instead Rene spent her free time manning the farm for them. Well, at least she has something to keep her occupy rather than keep thinking of her lost husband.

Part 47 - Navi received a huge project and he was partnered with another capable executive, Chelsea. She came into Ace Holdings 1 year after Navi and was his mentee all these years. They were Mr Gnap's bestmen which is why he decided to put the 2 of them in charge of this million contract. Chelsea had always admire Navi's capability at work and his friendiness towards every collegues. This would be a very good chance for her to learn from Navi and also get to know him better.

Part 48 - Almost every night, Chelsea and Navi would work till past midnight as both of them are perfectionist and treats their work seriously. They want to give their best shot at this million dollar project and make it a fantastic one. Though tired, Navi being a gentleman insists on sending Chelsea home every night before going home. Oh, did I mention Navi ride a phantom bike? Yah, he sends her home every night on his bike. Chelsea looks forward to every night ride home. That's the only time when she can be real close to Navi with less than a centimetre physical contact.

Part 49 - Ice on the other hand was being sent to UK to oversee another big project. She was very busy with her work and even missed her meals afew times. Ice misses Coral Island(I guess I didn't tell the readers that's where Ice and Navi stay), her parents, her farm animals, Rene and her cooking and of course, her best friend, Navi. Still another 2 months to go before her project ends. Ice's getting homesick. On top of that, she only received 1 email from Navi ever since she reached UK and that's the 1st day she set her foot on this foreign land. She wondered what is he busy with and how he's getting on over at Coral Island.

Part 50 - 2 long months finally passed. It's time for Ice to return to Coral Island. When she touched down at the airport, she saw Mr and Mrs Gnap with Rene waiting for her. She keeps searching for Navi, but he was nowhere in sight.

Mr Gnap saw her searching and said, "Navi and Chelsea just finished their project too and I gave them a week off. Yesterday night, they just completed, Navi is resting at the farmhouse."

"Oh." Ice replied. She thought, "So only he's tired? I took afew hours plane back home and wish he would be the first to greet me. Not a phone call, no mails and now, he's not here."


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