Stories part 40 - 45

Part 41 - 2 weeks to Rene was like 2 long years. But over in South Africa, 2 weeks were just like 2 days to the 2 youngsters, Ice & Navi. They travelled in jeep to get close up to the lions and their cubs. Saw their whole hunting process of zebras. Seems cruel, but lions need to live too. The weather was hot. Ice hate it, because she will melt. Navi loves it. He grew up on the beach & tan in the sun everyday for 10 whole years.

Part 42 - 2 weeks in South Africa well spent on living with the natives and getting to know their culture, living habits and learnt abit of their language. Navi went hunting, fishing and elephant riding with the men and Ice learnt to cook up afew dishes and learnt tribal dance from the women. It was her 1st time hands on cooking. Her parents had always told her that her delicate hands are only meant to play piano and not do household chores. And she never knew tribal dance can be so fun too. They enjoyed themselves in South Africa but time flies fast. It's time for them to go home.

Part 43 - When Ice and Navi got back home, it's time for them to look for jobs. Of course, Ice would be working in her dad's company. Mr Gnap offered a position for Navi. But he said he wants to take time off to consider. He wanted to achieve success in his career on his own and not with the help of others. But he can sense Mr Gnap's sincerity. He's at the biggest dilemma of his life for the first time.

Part 44 - Navi decided to join Mr Gnap's company after serious consideration. However, he resquested not to be given special treatment, he want to prove his ability by himself. He doesn't want his collegues to think he's pulling strings in the company either. Mr Gnap trust his own judgement and he believe that Navi will really make it to the top by his own. So he agreed and gave Navi an entry position for a Uni graduate as business executive officer.

Part 45 - Navi enjoyed working in Mr Gnap's company, as he faced new challenges everyday. He co-operates well with his collegues and being sociable by nature, he gets along fine with everyone. With his sporty and boyish looks, alot of female collegues were attracted to him. They would often offered to make lunch box for him and help him with his work. Though jealous, but the male collegues were impressed with his work performance. On top of all, he make a good confidant to them, secrets were safe with him.


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