Forest School Leader - Ivan Lim 森林學校領導人

Why Forest School?
What is your own philosophy?

Every child is unique and is talented in their own way.
They deserved the time and space to find out for themselves.
Not through endless hours of lessons, piles of homework or never-ending enrichment classes.
Let them learn through play and experience things for themselves.



I dedicate the achievement of this certificate to the following people in no chronological order :

Stacy Tung - When you were alive, you inspired me to touch lives with our own lives.
With your demise, it inspired me to chase my dreams right now and not wait till the time is right.
(My song for you -

Mummy & Qiqi - I could not let you see why I choose to do the things I do. You could not change my mind or stop me from doing what I want to do. Yet, you gave me the support I needed.

Shannon & Aleks - Thanks for understanding how much and why I really needed to do the training and for offering your financial aid.

Behind the scenes ATAStory business partners - Even though the company's direction took a 180degree turn, both of you supported my wildest dream.

Fellow Forest School comrades - I am grateful that I am not the only one who believes in the Forest School concept and that you folks want to create a positive impact. It takes a village to raise a kid and I am thankful we are in the same village.

Last but not least, my Forest School kids - Thanks for opening my eyes to a new horizon. Every session, I learn so many new things from every one of you. I truly hope every one of you would grow up to write A Truly Aspiring Story of your own.

This certificate is just the beginning. There is still a lot of learning for me.
I shall end the post here with what Ikeda Sensei wrote, "Actual ability is what counts. Academic qualifications have nothing to do with it!"


董宥均 - 你在世的時候,你啟發了我如何以生命感動生命。
(我為你寫的歌 -

媽咪與琪琪 - 我無法讓你們明白我為什麼選擇做我所做的事情。你們無法改變我的想法或阻止我做我想做的事。然而,你們給了我我需要的支持。

Shannon & Aleks - 感謝你們了解我是真的多麼需要接受這個培訓並提供我經濟上的援助。

ATAStory 幕後生意夥伴 - 即便公司的方向有了 180 度的轉變,你們依然支持我狂野的夢想。

森林學校的同志們 - 我很感激我不是唯一一個相信森林學校理念的人,你們也想產生正面的影響。扶養一個孩子需要一整個村莊的力量,我很慶幸我們處在同一個村莊。

最後但同樣重要的是,我的森林學校的孩子們 - 感謝你們讓我看到了新的視野。每一堂課,我都從你們每個人身上學到了很多新事物。我真的希望你們每個人都能在長大的路上,寫出屬於自己的真正有抱負的故事。



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