成功的人找方法,失敗的人找藉口! Winners find ways for their success, losers find excuses for their failures!

Do you give up just because others are ahead of you?
Or do you take it as a motivation to surpass them and do better?
It is not about making comparison with others on who has bigger houses, faster cars or more money?

It is doing a check and balance on ourselves.
How far away are we from our own goals and dreams?
What do you do to get closer to them?

There are people who eventually stop making goals or having dreams, because they already tell themselves, "I would never get there, I do not have that kind of destiny."
We create our own destinies.

Not everyone is born with a golden spoon in our mouths.
However, it doesn't mean we would never be able to make big goals and dreams and achieve them.
It merely mean we may have to put in more time and effort than those who has a head start before us.
Yet, I do know of friends who were born into not just rich, but super duper rich families and yet they own their current success to themselves.

They did it with their own hard work, earn their first dollar by being a normal employee like most of us.
Some work even harder than we do because they do not want others to think or say, "Because your parents are rich!"

No matter what kind of family you were born into, if you simply sit there and wait or complain to each and every person you met, "I do not have a good life. I am not born into a rich family. I do not have a high education (because my family could not afford). I cannot get a girlfriend or boyfriend. I do not have the network." And the whole self-victimized list goes on like 𝜋 (3.141592653589793238...), yah you get what I meant.

Make BIG goals and dreams and work your ass off to achieve them.
You cannot be bigger than your dreams and it does not cost you a cent to dream, why won't you just do it?
Write down the big dreams and work out the small steps and plans to achieve them.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.”
In case you do not know what that means, the internet says it can be interpret as : If you're aiming for something, even if you don't achieve it, you'll still be somewhere better than where you started.

Go on and find the ways to your success and stop making excuses for why you failed to achieve what you want.

這裡並不是要你與他人做比較 - 誰住的房子比較大,開的車比較快還是誰的錢比較多?





無論你出生在甚麼樣的家庭,如果你整天就只是坐以待斃或見人就訴苦,“我命不好。我沒有出生在富裕人家。我沒能受到高等教育 (因為家計不能負擔)。我無能交到女或南朋友。我人際網絡不夠廣。” 自我憐憫的清單就有如圆周率 (3.141592653589793238...),是的,你知道我的意思。

以防你不清楚此意,它可被解讀為 : 若你朝著某件事前進,就算最終你無法到達,你肯定比你原先的處境更好。



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