What these 7 & 8 words taught me? 這7與8個詞句教了我甚麼?
When I first got to know of the campaign to contribute Vitamin D to our healthcare professionals, I merely wanted to just contribute 1 bottle on my own.
However, it later turns out to be a total of 72 bottles my friends and I managed to contribute to the NCID staff.
I reflected on the whole process and asked myself, "What works for me such that I can garner the support of so many people?"
That's when I realized it was because of the 7 words above.
With the COMPASSION thought of merely wanted to do something for our front line healthcare professionals, it triggers me to seek my friends' contribution.
WISDOM of being able to draft a message that speaks to my friends and touch their compassion department as well to want to contribute.
I did it with a PURE HEART with the sole intention of wanting to do my little part in paying back to society.
Throughout the messaging process, I believe it was my SINCERITY which my friends can feel and decided to contribute as well.
It definitely has got to do with their TRUST level in me, when they decided to part with their money.
To build a CHARACTER, is not done overnight, I credit to my upbringing to my grandparents and parents whom taught me the importance of doing good deeds.
Last but not least, with all the above equipped, nothing would have happened with COURAGE to even send out the message.
Where did I get this courage from?
That brings me to 2 other 7 and 8 words which have been guiding my everyday life.
That brings me to 2 other 7 and 8 words which have been guiding my everyday life.
Some of you may have known, I went for a Leadership training course in 2019.
That would definitely be one of the biggest turning point in my life.
That would definitely be one of the biggest turning point in my life.
When I decided that I want to message my friends to ask for their contribution, was I scared?
Yes, I definitely am. The one thing I am most afraid of in my life other than death, is REJECTION.
Yes, I definitely am. The one thing I am most afraid of in my life other than death, is REJECTION.
So, I fully utilized what I have learnt from the training course last year, especially the magical phase -> _._._._.G.F.I.A => _____._____._____._____GO.FOR.IT.ANYWAY.
Reason why I am only revealing the last 4 words was because you need to experience the whole process yourself to be able to make full use of this phrase.
It is just like what people always say, do you want to pay money to go to a concert and hear the singers sing or do you want your friends who paid to go for the concert to come back and sing for you?
The effect is different, you would not feel the impact and the full phrase would not mean anything to you either.
It is just like what people always say, do you want to pay money to go to a concert and hear the singers sing or do you want your friends who paid to go for the concert to come back and sing for you?
The effect is different, you would not feel the impact and the full phrase would not mean anything to you either.
Next 7 words phrase which is guiding my everyday life is non other than Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.
Being a believer in Nichiren Buddhism, I am chanting daily for the happiness of all living beings.
At the same time, I am the lionhearted disciple who possess the courage to do what my heart knows as the right thing.
At the same time, I am the lionhearted disciple who possess the courage to do what my heart knows as the right thing.
It is no coincidence that I have included the core concepts of Nichiren Buddhism - Compassion, Courage and Wisdom in the beginning part of this post.
Buddhism accords with reason and our faith is reflected in our daily life.
I always believe how we do anything is how we do everything.
I always believe how we do anything is how we do everything.
With a determined heart filled with compassion to do good, I would definitely bring forth the wisdom in me to find a way and carry it out with courage.
說到這,就要回歸一直伴隨著我的2句 7 與 8 個指導我每一天生活的詞句。
有一些人也許知道我在2019 報名參加了一個領導人訓練課程。
所以,我徹底運用了從課程學到的知識,尤其是那重要的一句 ->
_._._._.G.F.I.A => _____._____._____._____GO.FOR.IT.ANYWAY => 不管他的做就對了。
我把日蓮佛法的核心概念 - 慈悲,勇氣與智慧放入這個部落文的前段並非巧合。