Della Ding Dang - Dare to Love 丁噹 - 《敢爱敢当》

My 1st Della's album!

There is definitely no regret in buying this album.
The only regret is why didn't I bought all her previous albums?!

Let's recap the 3 steps in appreciating a whole new album I've bought :-
First, play and listen to the whole album once to find out what kind of songs are being recorded in the CD.
Second, listen to the songs and look through the lyrics together.
Third, put on the ear piece / head set and feel the song.
(Trust me on this, listening to the CD using speakers and ear piece is very different.)

The first 2 songs I fell in love with after listening to it the first few times were track number 3 《敢爱敢当》 and 4 《说破》.
And it's not to my surprise that 林夕wrote 《敢爱敢当》 as this is not the 1st time I fell in love with a song just by listening to it and later found out that he is the lyricist of the song.

If you have not bought this album, please get out this very minute to grab one!
Especially if you have just ended a relationship, this would be the best breakup gift for yourself.

I have never encountered such a smooth flowing arrangement of all the songs.
Nicely arrange one after another that brings you through the whole roller coaster ride of a breakup, breakdown and recovery path.

Track 1 - 甩开
The song is full of emotions and clearly describe the hurt of a breakup, how one comes to see the light that all the love showered has become one sided. You gave all out yet the other party cares no more, after all the tears and hurt, just when you nearly breakdown, you finally realized it is time to truly let go.

Track 2 - 我没那么爱你
After forcing yourself to let go, you try to deceive yourself that you didn't really love the other person that much. You start to question yourself whether it is love that you can't let go and gave yourself a thousand and one reasons to forget. Deep down, you know holding on and waiting around is meaningless; you have to leave and fully let go to find your own happiness.

Track 3 - 敢爱敢当
So, it was a betrayal. There was a 3rd party which caused the end of this relationship you had. People around you advised that you should tell your ex that you no longer love him/her to save your face. Why should you when you have given all your love with your whole heart? There is nothing wrong in admitting that you have been ditched when you have truly loved. To heal completely, you need to fully understand and respect the rules in this game of love.

Track 4 - 说破 (This is 1 of the songs in this album where you REALLY need to put on your best earpiece and enjoy the music arrangement. Amazingly wonderful! The 1st few times, I've listened to this album in the car and was wondering what was wrong with this song. It is until I listened with my earpiece then I realized...)
Specially love the melody and tempo. A cheerful melody song that gives a light tap on your little brain to remind that everything you thought was real may only be something you have imagined. Not all breakup recovery song has to be slow and sad.

Track 5 - 我就是喜欢这样
Slowly and surely, you are starting to pick yourself up. You decided to be who you truly are. No longer do you care how others view you and no way are you going to change for anyone anymore. And you are making sure that the whole world knows about it!

Track 6 - 幸福的可能
Though you have been hurt and is still feeling the pain, you know you must not shut your heart. You believed that love would come knocking again someday. You may have been hurt to the core by whom you have loved deeply but you know this is just a passing phase. One fine day, true love and happiness will find its way to you once more because you believe that no one deserves to be alone for the rest of his/her life.

Track 7 - 不爱
To the one who broke your heart, it's time to say good bye and tell him that you no longer love him. Now that you have been awaken, you do not want to stick around with someone who's around physically but not emotionally.

Track 8 - 不要问
Enough is enough, truth has been revealed and no more words are required as explanation. Your mind is set on leaving the person who can't be true to you.

Track 9 - 我不以为
You are no longer interested in what he does or how he feels. Neither are you answerable to him for what you do. He is not perfect, then why should you be expected to be flawless? Bidding him goodbye brings you a step closer to your happily ever after.

Track 10 - 不如骄傲
The final recap and ultimate realization. You remembered everything about him and has wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. However, things weren't the same with him. You have packed everything you needed to get out of this. It still hurts a little yet you do not want him to see your tears. This is the day, you are going to walk out of the door and never looking back. Hold your head high and walk out with pride, enjoy this finale!


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