Me day - 19th July 2014!

Took a day off for myself.
It'd been a very long time since I have some serious me time.
With just my "survival pack" and 2 feet, I "roamed" around.

Time check - 9am, I switched off my data.
It was also the 1st time I did that on a ME day.
Probably because I really needed to connect with Mother Nature and not the outside man made world for once.

10am - Collected my blood test results and that was the only planned to do thing for the day.

Whatever that followed after that were mostly impromptu.

Had breakfast at Forum McDonalds.

Mac at Forum has serious pigeons problem at their outdoor dining area.
I guessed everything happened for a reason.
As I couldn't stand the pigeons, I tabao-ed my coffee and slowly make my way to Lido.

It was 10.42am.
"Dawn of the Planet of The Apes" was showing at 10.45am.
If I've stayed longer in Mac, I would have missed the show.
When I entered the theater, a couple sitting at the same row as me was blocking my way.
They showed absolutely no intention in letting me pass so that I could get to my seat.
Yes, I know at that timing, the big theater has less than 20 people.
But it's common sense to make way when you see someone approaching, right?
It's okay because that happened for a good cause too.
I moved 2 rows back and I could get a clearer picture of the whole big screen!

My reviews for the movies :-
First, it has to be due to it's an Apes show, my fave kind of animals, I love this movie!
Second, it has many touching scenes and phases that struck me strongly.

"Apes not kill ape." "You are no ape."
How hurtful can one be when one whom you treated as a brother betrays you?
I have ever experienced that once, I know how it feels...

"Apes started war. But humans will not forgive."
How true is that?
I'm a serious offender of hate no matter how much I would like to deny.
Forgiving is a very difficult task for me.
Be it family, friends or acquaintances.
I'm slowly learning though.

"Scars make you strong."
On day 2 of my life, I had my first big operation which back in 1983 has only a 50%-50% chance of survival.
That has to be done to keep me alive.
The scar is there to stay for life and to always remind me that everyday is a blessing from above.

After the movie, I walked again.
This time to Bugis for praying at Guan Yin Temple and the Indian Temple beside.
Half-way through, I was "hijacked" by this t-shirt exhibition.
The above 4 are my fave.

To meditate at the temple is always such a great feeling.
Even though the shaking of the lots containers by others is loud, I can still find my peace from within.
It must have been the help of the great ones in the temple.

Next stop - East Coast Park (ECP).

I've seen this advertisement on the train when I was going to Orchard.
Such a connection to what I'm about to see...

It pains me to see the sight at ECP.

The familiar place but not the usual sight anymore.

The place where I usually could lay around anywhere for a tan is so filled with tons of rubbish along the whole stretch.
It is so disheartening to see this.
What have we humans been doing to Mother Earth?!
Why can't people just clean up after themselves?

The sight of the rubbish instead of the clean beach, the stench from it and not the smell of the sea anymore.

This is the slightest hope...

Luckily for me, there are still the sun and sounds of waves to make up for it.
It was raining before this.
Thanks to whoever up there who ensures I have a good tanning time!

Time check : 9pm, switched on Wifi and got connected back to the human world...


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