Letting go to embrace! 放手来拥抱!

01/01/2014 :-
Only by letting go of the past, can you embrace the future!

Today marks the start of a new year and I've been thinking of what to post.
New year resolutions? Let that wait till I come back from my HK trip! haha =P

Life has been good to me for these 30 years.
Of course, I do have my ups and downs as well.
That is what makes life interesting and exciting, isn't it?

One of the most unbearable moment in 2013 was leaving Singapore Discovery Centre, a 2nd home for the past 5years.
The decision was clear cut, but making it was the tough part.
My future seems bleak, I was at pit bottom after I left.
I don't regret leaving, because I know I have to.
However, I was not easy to defeat, with many help from my family, godma and friends, I got back on my feet and continue to strive.
As of now, I may not have make it to the peak yet, at least I'm climbing up the mountain once more after falling all the way down months ago.

In love, I've been holding on for 4years.
I thought as long as I persist, one day I could get what I wish for.
Sad to say, love don't work that way.
Maybe, someday it will find its way back to me but I know it's not now.
With that, I've decided to move on with the persistence I have in love to work on other areas of life.
Hoping that as I achieve the goals in other aspects, love luck will come and blossom.

Letting go is difficult, I know as I am still learning till now.
In my personal opinion, there are things or people you can choose to hold on forever if they bring you positive energy.
Like in my case, I hold my grandma close to my heart because whenever I need the strength to carry on, I think of her.

On the other hand, if holding on would mean more pain, we really need to reconsider on the next course to take.
In many cases, when you are about to let go, initially the pain of choosing to let go may be even greater than holding on.

However, my dad always tell me, "长痛不如短痛。"
(A moment of pain is better than a long period of pain)
It takes lots of courage, endurance and perhaps strength to let go, but humans are strong beings.
If we really set foot on doing it, I'm pretty sure we can.

The downside is, I know you would carry with you the scars during this letting go process.
At the same time, you would never forget the pain, the process and the thing/person you have to let go.
I can only say, life would probably be better now even if it's not for you, at least for the other person.

In Year 2014, I wish you all the best in letting go of things or people you should and embrace a brighter future!
I hope in future, you won't have too many things to have to let go again.
Be strong, keep your smiles going!(.^^)(^^,)


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