First solo overseas trip!
17th - 22nd Jul 2013
An unplanned solo trip to Bangkok!
(The trip to Bangkok was planned, going there alone was due to unforeseen circumstances.)
(The trip to Bangkok was planned, going there alone was due to unforeseen circumstances.)

I checked into All Season Bangkok Siam Hotel which was recommended by my friend.
Quite a nice hotel, clean & accessible to BTS & shopping district.
Overall, it was a nice trip.
As my flight was delayed and yet I reached there much earlier, I had plenty of time at the airport.
So, I settled down at Starbucks and allowed my thoughts to flow...
Don't ask me why, somehow when I held my pen to write my thoughts, only Chinese words came out.
Yes, though Qiqi always said I'm a Cheena man, I always scribble my thoughts in English...
This time, my hand & mind just took over everything.
As my flight was delayed and yet I reached there much earlier, I had plenty of time at the airport.
So, I settled down at Starbucks and allowed my thoughts to flow...
Don't ask me why, somehow when I held my pen to write my thoughts, only Chinese words came out.
Yes, though Qiqi always said I'm a Cheena man, I always scribble my thoughts in English...
This time, my hand & mind just took over everything.
一个人旅行的意义,你是否思考过?绰号独行侠的我虽然已学会了与其他人共处,但其实还蛮想念一个人的从前。因为一直掰不开也没太想摆脱孤独的躯壳,时不时我就会抽空陪一陪自己。我是保留自我时间的推崇者,深信每一个人-- 男或女,老或少,在人生的任何一个阶段都必须偶尔独自在一个安静与私人的地方自我思考或放空。这是一件有助于身心健康的事。
人人也常说,“休息是为了走更长远的路。” 旅行可以让一个人身心得到足够的休息好让回国后的你好好冲刺一番。甚至一些出国前理不清的思绪也会变得明确。
这是我第二次到泰国 -- 一个周围好多朋友都热爱的国家。说到热,我是绝对赞成,可是论爱,我还是对台湾情有独钟。
语言相同,食物又超合我胃口,再加上那里有我崇拜的女神 -- 田馥甄!叫我如何不迷恋她呢?