Don't burn the bridge. 千万不要过河拆桥。

19/05/13 :-
Don't burn the bridge.

Many people asked, "Why do you still bother when you are already leaving?"
My answer to them, "I love my job, my colleagues and my workplace."

Their next question, "Why do you want to leave then?"
I said, "I have my personal reasons and I have my dreams to fulfil."

I know of people who feel they have "suffered" at their previous workplaces.
When they are serving their notices, they totally switch off, gave shitty work and showed all patterns.
Even if we were really treated badly, most of us would bound to have gain something while we were at the workplace.
Like the friendship among the colleagues, the staff benefits which have maybe once allowed you to settle your family 's difficulties or at the least, the salary even if not much, has prevent you from going hungry.

I am lucky, maybe there are people who don't like me whom I do not know and don't need to know but I think I'm pretty welcome at work most of the time.
For all my previous jobs, I give my best shot till the last day.

To me, a job is like a relationship.
When we first started a relationship or a job, there is definitely something we love about it.
Then why must we turn nasty if somehow things don't work out in the end?
I cannot find a reason to hurt or hate the thing/people I once loved, or maybe still loving.

There's a Chinese saying, “凡事要好聚好散。”
Direct translation, "Begins and ends everything on a good note."
I truly believe in this.

And if you have not heard, Singapore Discovery Centre is giving free entry to Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents from 17th May 2013.

Read more at the below link.


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