Try it out yourself! 自己试试看!

04/02/13 :-
Never believe everything others tell you, try it out yourself!

In life, people tell you a lot of things.
Most often than not, they added, "It's true!", "Trust me!", "I'm not lying to you!".

I do not deny the stubbornness in me.
When someone tells me a certain movie suxs, I'll still go ahead and watch it on my own.
When people said a particular makan place sells horrible food, I would try out the food and have my own verdict.
These are the not so serious stuff.

Have you ever stop pursuing your dreams just because others tell you that you won't be able to make it?
And what do you do?
You give up trying all together or keep going to achieve what you were make for to prove them wrong?
I hope you choose the latter.

What the others said are what/how they think/feel, it does not and should not represent yours.
We are all unique individuals, we should be able to have a mind of our own to think and feel the way we want to. =)


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