S.H.E. - 花又开好了!=D

After waiting for 2years+, S.H.E has finally come together to release their latest album, 《花又开好了》!
As 1 of their fanatic fans, I was queuing at JP's CD Rama right after work, eager to lay my hands on their new album!
There are 2 versions for this album; 1 is the 豪华版 special edition which we have to leave our names to reserve before the album was released and the other is the so called normal version.
The special edition comes with a special sunflower seed and the cover photo was taken during the Milan trip sponsored by their company.
I didn't leave my name earlier cos I didn't know we have to do so and if I leave my name now, CD Rama will help us order and notify us again if there are still stock available.
That would means it is not confirmed that we will get the special edition album.
I was hesitating for awhile whether I should wait to buy the special edition one or just buy the normal one.
As you can see, I bought the normal one. =P
2years+ is such a long wait, I can wait no more!
What matters most are the songs they have in this new album, the sunflower seed is just a bonus.
Plus my silly sister said, "Ivan's plant always can't grow anyway." -_-"
I have listened to the whole album for at least 5 times now and is still listening right now as I typed this blog entry.
If you do not know my habits of listening to my idols' new albums each time I bought them, I dedicate my time to doing nothing except listening to the album for at least 3 times.
First time - Pure listening to find out the different songs in the album.
Second time - Read the lyrics and try to understand the story behind every song.
Third time - Feel the song with the vocal, music and lyrics combined and with an earphone ALWAYS because it makes a very big difference.
(So, please do not disturb me when I have my earphones on especially after I have just got a new album of my idols. I mean serious business here.)
Are you ready for the 1/2-biased review of this album?
When it comes to people/things I love, I admit I'm bias.
At least, I have told you upfront that I am bias, right? haha =P
Chinese called it 偏心,it literally means heart slanted to one side.
Well, who on this earth don't have their heart on the left?
I do hear before that there's a minority of people who have their heart in the middle.
How true that is, I'm not sure though.
Okay, enough crap, here goes my review! v(^_^)o
The title of this album is named 《花又开好了》; 5 out of the 10 songs have the word, 花 in them.
Ok, just a random observation.

Track 1 - 迫不及待 - I was playing the CD in my car right after I bought it. Not knowing what to expect, there was 50secs long of music which I thought was just an intro like some other albums, but it's not. It was part of the song itself and when the voices came after the music, you feel the power of S.H.E once again combined. It's like Superstar, Shero kind of songs. Similar yet different; similar in their fast tempo, the difference is this song is telling and reminding you, fans or not, S.H.E IS BACK and they want you to take them seriously!!! No need to shout, just listen to their songs and show your support!

Track 2 - 花又开好了 - The 主打歌 which you have probably heard numerous times on Y.E.S FM 93.3 and probably other stations (I'm not sure, I only listen to this Chinese station), YOUtube and through any other media. If you've not been using earphone the previous times you were listening to this song, do it now. That is if you have bought an original album and using a good enough earphone (no need for super expensive ones, just at least a trustable brand). Why? Because the one in charge of sound mixing has done an excellent job. Look at the lyrics while you listen too and feel the words. The part where Selina was singing, I believe it was carefully planned. Think back of the difficult times she was having during her recovery. This song should moved you to tears or least touched your heart a wee bit. The music intervals at 1:49 - 2:00 and 3:10 - 3:32 adds even greater impact to the listeners. If you do not know which part is sang by Selina, watch the MV here.

Track 3 - 不说再见 - I read on SH.E's Facebook that this is a song they wrote for their fans. After listening and reading the lyrics, I feel this could also be a song from them to each other as well. It would be an ideal song for ladies to dedicate to their girlfriends as well. It is a typical S.H.E soothing song which we have love all these years. The bond between them, it's friendship no more, it's LOVE!

Track 4 - 心还是热的 - 第二波主打歌 playing on Y.E.S FM 93.3 now. In life, we do lose certain things or people we wished we wouldn't. If you have a religion, you would believe that it's your God's plans. If you don't, treat it as a lesson learnt and recognize that they were not meant to be yours in the first place. As we lose them, we gain insight and we should try not to be too affected by the loss. Only then, will we not be blinded and can thus see the bright future ahead.

Track 5 - 亲爱的树洞 - There was no mentioning of 树洞 in the lyrics. So I repeat the song. My own guess is this song is about confiding to a tree hole the darkest secrets we have. It can not answer or advise us on the next step. Sometimes, when we speak of the hurt, sadness or problems we have, we are not expecting an answer or advice, we just needed a listening ear before we become overwhelmed by them. One other thing I want to mention about this song is, I feel Hebe and
田馥甄 combined into one when she sings. If you are a BIG fan of Hebe 田馥甄, you probably know what I mean. When Hebe sings songs of S.H.E and her own 田馥甄's songs, they were different. That has been testified by herself too. However, in this song, you feel that the 2 has become one in a positive way. =)

Track 6 - 还我 - After a breakup, sometimes you see the couple returning each other stuff which they have given to each other while they were dating or request the other party to return them the stuff they have given to them. In this song, it is not about the physical items that were exchanged. The one on the receiving end of the breakup news is asking for the return of her happiness from the one who initiated the breakup. In return, she's returning the promises and dreams that were made. It is a slow song, however the music stab right into your heart and reminds you of the worst heartbreak you ever had.

Track 7 - 明天的自己 - Following the previous breakup song, this serves as a motivation song for you to pick yourself up and move on.
I love the last few sentences, “一直在原地 那儿也不去 也就永远也按不到 新的好风景”.
If you have been helplessly holding onto a failed relationship thinking there is still hope, perhaps it's time for you to take a step back and have a clearer view or simply move forward to a greener pasture for a nicer scenery.

Track 8 - 那时候的树 - A simple song which reminds us to go back to basic which sometimes is the best and what we love most. I feel that this song has a bit to do with saving Mother Earth as well. Mother Earth has given us wonderful memories and most importantly, a home. Have we forgotten them all? In our own ability, is there a little something we can all do to help her?

Track 9 - 像女孩的女人 - A song about a woman who loves like a girl, with no considerations of the what if. Only a heart filled with pure love & innocence, she lives for love, believe in love and fight for love.

Track 10 - 后来后来 - How many friends do you have? Are they all still around in your life now? True friends - you do not need many. However, you would definitely love to have many more tomorrows and future to share with the true friend(s) you have.
The sentence I love? 我们要一辈子 有后来后来。。。

What are you waiting for still? Go and grab this album now! =D


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